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thats just it stew if a horse has colic a vet should be called to look at the horse if its in distress, and if youre worried about the cost maybe you dont care about your horses welfare as much as you say you do.trainers and grooms arent supposed to drench horses and if an agco inspector walks in the door people will scurry to hide a tube if they have one.i generally root for underdogs but i cant see disney investing in the St.Lois story lol
Leave the guy alone. He served his time & paid his fine. If he screws up again - you can all pile on him. He has great talent & I wish him well.
Dee, you wrote a good defence of ST Louis.....however I don't ever recall him driving at Flammy ever since he and his wife slithered into Ontario
I think I am wrong about him and Flammy….but why doesn't he drive there now?
100% Correct.
This is a business that involves racing animals, not humans.Every day there is a risk that one of those horses will drop dead from a heart attack and or break down and be destroyed.Every day trainers are using illegal shit to enhance horse performance. I hate that part of it.Every day trainers go out of their way to avoid detention.Sometimes, not often enough, trainers get caught.Depending on wealth and name, the penalty usually goes up as the trainer's $$ and notoriety go down.St Louis was one of the many using illegal shit. He got caught. Good. He really went out of his way to hide the proof. Burning the carcass was taken into account in the penalty. I think the penalty he served was closer to fair than most. I could care less than he burnt a carcass. No different than being dragged up into a pile in a dead wagon and driven off to be ground up. The guy's got a second chance to show he's matured as a human. Move on.
Both of you perfect people get off of your pedestals. He paid the consequences. Big fine, several years on the sidelines.