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There is no doubt the current business plan is and will continue to be a failure. What needs to be fixed before you can fix anything at all is, the relationship with the home state. The industry needs to be a generator of taxes and income to gain the political backing it needs. This not going to happen as a source of gaming taxes or corporate taxes. So, it needs a new lead and I see that lead as an agricultural entity. Redirecting the VLT monies to a greater share to a breeding program will stimulate more economic growth and local spending as well as tax generation than overnight racing. If we doubled the current 18 million in the NYSS program to 36 million, it would cut overnights by about 10%. All very doable. Expanding the SS program for older horses is now affordable and potentially profitable for an owner. Continuing to give NYS taxpayer funded money to overnight purses that are taken out of the state and country is completely foolish short sighted. Having a superior state breeding and racing program will generate new owners and fans, as they can follow the careers of their favorite horse. There is over around 100 million dollars of VLT money given to harness racing every year, in NY. It can be better invested. If you really want to grow your lobbying power, include Polo and other equine disciplines. There is plenty of money to share. There is plenty of money, it is just not invested with forethought. Investing in a state Agricultural program can also invest in the County Fairgrounds. These places are a centerpiece of the small communities and have not seen a coat of paint in 30 years. A solid NYS breeding and racing program has a future if invested properly.
Expand the breeding program. Now there's a thought . 2 and 3 year olds get their brains blown out, and then don't race after that, imagine that. The better ones go to the breeding shed to produce what ? More garbage that needs the GAS to perform.2 things need to happen before anything changes.A. The OLD GUARD needs to go B. Severe penalties and I mean severe. Can't drive or train one sitting in a jail cell C. Things will never change. So don't worry about A and B