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A harness thing basically
Free board and use of facilities is long gone. There may be a track or two that does not charge a direct fee but, nothing in this world is free.
If the whoresmen don't like it, they are free to race somewhere else. The whoresmen are receiving welfare. Not one cent should be given to whoresmen, when teachers, firefighters, and police are needed. If the business can't stand on it's own, time to let it die. By the way, what were the purses at Plainridge BEFORE the welfare? Typical that whoresmen would bitch about paying for a service, when they are receiving welfare.PENN GAMING was OUT in the fight for Taxachussetts one and only slot parlor... Plainridge horsemen were also OUT due to Gary Piotowski's embezzlement. Therefore Penn & Plainridge saved each other. One partner in that marriage is making $MILLIONS, the other partner is battling to stay afloat (and should feel damned lucky to still be in the marriage). Whoever said love was fair? Sincerely, Silent One
Please don't tell that to the illegals and the snowflakes, unless you can run REAL fast!!!
Look what free did to the Meadowlands and FREEhold. Both now eliminated the backstretch and went totally ship in. It costs money to maintain a track, provide water and electricity, remove trash and manure, pay help, purchase equipment, etc.