Hi All . 1: They stopped filling the claimers and are writing a ton of condition races and there is always a stand out . The claimers are the back bone of racing the favorite don't always win ! Gamblers love claiming races start forcing these trainers to put their horses back into the claimers !
2: start fining these guys for given holes :Goodell big time : Stratton big : Mac Donald : Zeron always.
3 : Stop these 2nd quarters so slow NO second quarter should ever be slower then 29.2 EVER .
4 : change up conditions very very stale this makes up for a boring card same old same old .
Thanks All just the total truth ...

--1) The Recent problem with Allard and other big stables claiming everything from smaller stables -while not off each other--has hurt the claiming game in a big way.
Owners do not like claiming off these guys-because invariably-the trainer they have =cannot keep them on same level-and if they give them to Allard-they choke on the expenses.
There is a fix though--they used it in PA and was working great until the big boys used their muscle and it stopped
Write a NW in last 2 in the Claimers!!!!!This slows down the jamming the big stables use-and encourages owners to claim as they will get a shot at making some money.
Betting wont be hurt--in fact should be better as the fields will be more evenly graded.
2)Giving holes HAS to be punished with fines/days-because its a joke what this does to the racing-fully agree-time for judges to get deadly serious about this.
3) Give a driver days if he goes slower than 30 secs the second 1/4.
4) The 7- 8 horse should be used in the trailing position in 3-4 races on the program. Mixes it up and makes it more interesting.
Agree-a few different conditions on the program certainly would not hurt.