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My god you hill jacks on this board are dense, with no comprehension of the game, how it’s played; and for that reason what needs to be done to fix it, if possible. Not that you aren’t too lazy to actually do it, mind you, but just sit around on your asses running your mouths for something to do. Do something meaningful and productive to change the rules or please, for your own sakes and ours, just shut the fuck up. Or for Christ sake, at least complain about something real.First of all, as I’ve detailed in the past for the slow learners, it’s extraordinarily easy to comply fully with the rules that are written and therefore NOT be a beard. These people, in all likelihood, simply aren’t beards because they no doubt are in complete compliance, have separate bank accounts established that they can produce upon request to show the suspended trainer is not writing or receiving the checks, are licensed, and can demonstrate their ability to train the stock. And that’s basically all it takes. The rules do not preclude that person from farming out any or all of the physical and strategic work involved to other people. Rules that also allow trainers of all stripes to do little things like, oh, take vacations, sick days or the occasional night off without the horse or horses actually being in their care and custody at all times. That won’t be changing any time soon. And neither should it, so you really have no valid arguments there. Second, ownership can easily be put in the names of wives or other capable family members who cannot, as the owner and according to statute, be prevented from training their own stock so long as they’re licensed. In the case of wives, they do not even have to show financial separation, because duh.Thirdly, the horsemen that are the most contemptible are the very first to bitch and moan, crying “beard”. Owners need to be able to race their horse(s), which have to go somewhere in the event of positives and it doesn’t make their stand- in trainers “beards” either. But all these very same horsemen would also be the first to be loathe to change a single one of the existing rules, that might have any potential of altering the status quo, which could conceivably be detrimental to them personally. THAT is the reason nothing changes. So if you want to complain, complain about the whole thing being set up to protect and benefit horsemen, who incidentally, run it all and need to fix it themselves by accepting that all stables have to remain small and independently run and operated or they just have nothing to complain about - being theirs and horseplayers own worst enemy.Which brings us to the final point to wrap it all up: For all of the horseplayers bitching on here, either get involved yourselves, if you don’t like it, or suck it up, take some responsibility and walk away. My guess, however, is that you either won’t or can’t, which means you have only yourselves to blame. So in any case, honestly… just shut the fuck up with your “beard” griping already. They’re just boogieman stories intended to hobble larger outfits that every small outfit aspires to being, despite their bitching, and nothing more. You’re being played and wound up by those uncompetitive horsemen. Don’t make the mistake of believing they’re on your side or care about you. They aren’t and they don’t.
MSO--1) Details that trainers who can genuinely show THEY solely train and comply with all rules and regulations are NOT Beards. 2) She makes claims that banned horses can be placed in family members names (wives) as owners-(may be true in some States but not in all) 3) Has a bee in her bonnet about folk always whining about Beards on plop -which surely the commissions should be able to ferret out on their own-like they are doing in Delaware. ie Haters going to hate-and shes sick of it.
When they ban the entire stable that a trainer has when he or she gets a positive they will fix the problems ................. ............
I like that post!!! It basically sums up the reason people hate the game!! People fucking hate marks and guy should be in jail and blue chip has become a joke to employ that guy. Shame on Drowse for helping that ass clown out.