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Apparently the run-on sentence is grammatical in the Dominion. Py yiminy.
The Canadian head of state is the Queen of England, a hereditary monarch, nice little vestige there. Justin Trudeau was a bar bouncer and his dad was a pal o' Castro. Kweebek almost ditched the Dominion in '95, Parizeau classily blaming "money and the ethnic vote" for the squeaker win for the "stay" faction. Last North American country to declare martial law was... yep, Canada. Margaret Atwood is a nut and Alice Munro is unreadable. The level of general antipathy between TO and TROC is amusingly unimaginable to most Americans. But the place does have a great anthem, and Harper is missed. The US head of state is a moron, sexual deviate, bankruptcy specialist and has a head of hair that would embarrass a monkey. He is a unabashed admirer of Vladimir Putin......a commies commie, KGB henchman. Soon the special counsel gonna nail his ass.......your president started with daddy’s million and filed bankruptcy numerous time....yeah “grab em by the pussy” classy sort eh. US gave the world Charlie Manson, harness greats like Eric Ledford, training wonders like Bobby Sumner ( btw Ted Wing is from Maine but you are forgiven many think it’s part of Canada) and all those kneeling football greats. Our anthem does sound good, Ottawa is safe ( how bout those white supremacists in DC today eh....classy bunch no).....I’ll take a Canadian beer over your piss beer any day, Nova Scotia lobster ( home of Joe O’Brien), and Wayne Gretzky made Edmonton proud. Canada.....they way America hopes to be....
You have the gall to call Canadians illiterate and yet you rednecks can't put a meaningful sentence together and let's not forget the atrocious spelling, try their and know you dumb ass, back to school for you.