Joe Anderson's former partner and owner John Leahy has his license back!

Yes the same John Leahy who stole over $3 Million dollars in an insurance fraud scam.

He was busted by the Feds in the Silver Shovel sting using his insurance business in Westchester to scam.
After he was busted his whole operation with Joe Anderson and other partners went to hell and they all sued each other and filed for bankruptcy.
So there is no crime harness racing deems too serious to own, breed, drive or train.

I don't know if Leahy plans on getting the band back together but he now is listed as living in Naperville and Travis Alexander is training for him at Pocono.
WHO'S NEGAN is getting his 3rd lifetime start in Pocono's 2nd race with Leahy listed as owner and breeder.

Of course Pennsylvania gave him a license, they give every crook a license!