Wait a cotton picking minute. During my conversations with Ms. Congressman Cortez we agreed to lower purses on lower level horse racing, not steaks racing. Those of us who support steaks racing are the elite members of the racing fraternity and have to be rewarded for our involvement in the breeding and keeping of greenspace in states like new jersey and new York.
We should first work on the equalization of the voting process. It just isn't fair nor just that states like Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming have an equal number of senators as states like California and of course New York. Our smarter than average voters here in New York deserve more representation in Congress than do the above mentioned citizens of those states listed above. They don't pay as much in taxes as we do and don't deserve to get as much as we do. This needs to be taken care of ASAP.
Don't get me started. Those of us, who pay more, deserve to get more. God made us Better than common folk, and hence we are more important