Trying to get some bookings on a couple nice trotting mares. Wanted Ch 7 but he is booked already and stud fee raised to 20k. Was told may be able to get one at that price or higher but all paid up front. No guarantees. Muscle Hill I hear trading at 40k. You have three other studs at 20k and newly TL at 15k. Six studs at a high price on the east coast. Meadowlands must be a slam dunk for that 5yr 100k tax payer payout subsidy. Heard D Hanover may have a deal on the table to head out overseas. He has seem to be a disappointment of late. You look at some other sires there into there 5th, 7th, or 10th crop and they may bring a average these days of 25 or 30k. So the middle guys that can stomach a 10-15k stud fee on a proven trotting sire is few and far between. So if you have GC dreams it seems it's only for the big boys anymore. Swan in IN had a 4-1 contract to what's available to fill his book. He went to 6k which is still a decent deal. So no surprise as the top contracts with 4 or 5 owners to a yearling or a syndicate in place on a high priced yearling. The market shrinks for breeding down the road. Unless you have the cash.