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"Fat fuck trump will never shut down the government. " Well he has, and all you can say is "I'm batting .800 against you hillbilly dolts. You use data like CNN. Look long enough and you can make it say whatever you like. "the stock market is up 13% since Trump's inauguration, but that is less than the yearly average for the last 100 years. Why didn't you use the last 10 or 20 or 27? I guess you had to keep adding a year until your comment was finally true at 100. Who cares what the stock market did in 1914 or 1930. Talk modern history to come closer to apples to apples. As for pictures of trash, I saw the Mayor of Tijuana on tv the other night, talking about how the migrants are ruining the city. In the background was trash all over the place, but worse was the number of houses being broken into and robbed by these welfare hunters. Just google "trash being left behind by migrants in mexico", you'll get all the pictures and video you don't want.
I gave you a simple google search. Do your own work, if you really want to see it for yourself. I didn't expect you to care what I think. It's clear you think you are the smartest man on the planet, which seems funny considering you spend so much time on this "hillbilly" forum. I guess you pick your fights where you think you can win. I know you don't care, but that makes you the poster boy for The Coward Club. Let's talk again on the 15th !!!!!
Now 18 companies have told Tucker to Fuck Off. Advertising airtime on his show is down 43%.Calhoun told you.
Hey Calhoun...it's funny to say racism still exists in your small little world...MLK's speech was some 50+ years ago...can you name any of the scenarios in your life right now that represent racism to you or your family. You have the right to vote...work..live wherever...etc. JIM CROW DAYS HAVE BEEN LONG GONE...RACISM...R ACISM...your living in a ZOMBIE world...your crybaby style about racism is what is stopping you from being somebody...your a confused individual with no direction or clue.
Calhoun...go pound sand in your cunt...15 years ago...I asked you about your situation currently...at the time you fired your gun into the air...you were looking @ about 3-5 yrs. in jail for illegally discharging your handgun...your next move was a charge of attempted murder or maybe murder...tough guy with a gun...but no brains.
Then keep watching. Support his new sponsor .... Fonics For Inbreds... You can probably use it.
It's phonics you idiot inbred Negro.
Quote Calhoun ... "My source is a family friend son I saw Las week. He's legislative director for a Democrat on the committee Adam Schiff will chair. The kids Name is Kevin McPherson.I don't give a fuck what you think."Hey Calhoun, you dishonest piece of leftard turd, the 15th has come and gone and no indictment for Don Jr, as per your 3rd cousin twice removed, working in the sanitation department at Democratic hdqrters. Where do you come up with your stories