MORE liberal hogwash. Just like the Trump Russia collusion investigation which was started by a LIE which the fbi ALREADY KNEW.
LOL, WRONG... Started because he is a treasonous traitor... He works for Russia...
1) $$$ says he does not get re-elected
2) In fact, he won't be running a second term
3) He ain't and never was a billionaire.
This is more to do with Patriotism than Republican Vs. Democrat although Lindsay Graham and co are sucking his cock for a reason. It's called compromat
Trump it too stupid to have ever made money by himself.... He is Russian Mafia controlled just like the Under Boss in Putin who answers to Mogilevich.
And personally, I could not care less who is in power from what party. As long as it is not Someone in bed with Russia and Saudi Arabia. It is so fucking obvious.
Use your brains... You think half of the Mueller Team left million dollar a year plus jobs to work for just under 200K per year doing this, if they didn't know Trump is dead to rights...
Mueller and co are playing 3D chess while the people they are investigating are playing tiddlywinks.
Manafort caught lying about Konstantin Kilimnick (Russian GRU) and is going to die in jail because if he talks, he's a dead man.
Read the Indictments and the drip feeding showing the Conspiracy (Collusion)
I laugh at all these MAGA's who say, there is no proof of collusion yet, they are just process crimes.
They have and are laying it all out. Why do these clown all get caught lying if there is nothing to hide?
Mueller is going to lay it all out and charge a whole bunch near the end with Conspiracy against the US and it is COMMON SENSE that he hold back the most damning evidence and charges til the end. You think the NSA etc does not have all this shit ready and waiting.
Time will tell but they are all going to jail including shit for brains. One thing is for sure. His business will be destroyed along with his family
DOJ policy will be tested as far as indicting a sitting president. Nothing but that says you can't and you can bet that Andrew Weissmann thinks otherwise. Now he is known to go overboard and had all that Enron shit overturned in Supreme Court but Mueller has several appellate attorneys making sure they don't overstep their bounds.
Gonna be a fun 2019