Author Topic: Hey Woodbine! Given Your Recent Suspensions, Filion Must Be Suspended Too.  (Read 20723 times)

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French rat Sylvain Filion who absolutely takes nights off from trying has earned himself a well deserved suspension.

The problem here is he might not get one.  91zxa.1

Filion the unreliable cheating fuck buried the 1/5 in the 8th by moving to the inside behind tiring leaders.

Filion was clear in mid stretch with Tyga Hanover when he inexplicably darted left to lock himself in!

The 2,7,9 were slowing down mid stretch as Filion started gaining ground....apparen tly too much ground.

This move had one purpose and that was to NOT win!

Coming off a layoff with one qualifier and bet down to 1/5 in a nw1 condition race, Filion had plenty of horse left. 11.wp

Trouble was as I said he was determined not to win. 77z.chf 91.jzail

I boxed 259 and played 5/279 for super. It came 9-2-5-7.

I had the tri which paid good so save your loser lament bullshit.

Woodbine has recently suspended a couple of high profile drivers for a lot less obvious infractions. angbk

So now they have to prove they are not playing favorites by suspending Filion for the same number of days. tmbz1

Powerful Patricks Ghost

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Sorry but the drive isn't worthy of suspension at all. People betting down a horse making first start at 3 to 1/5 are insane. I actually think the horse raced huge for the trip. Was first over for half a mile then ducked in the stretch (when tired).  Shouldn't even give you this info but any competent capper will know without looking...the horse traveled 24 extra feet in the race--9 more than the nearest horse.

Here's the replay for inquiring minds:


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Trip nor distance traveled exonerate moving inside to bury your horse then having to grab hold before the wire to keep from running the dead leaders over.

There were 3 horses lose on the lead turning for home with Filion moving up on the outside.

All Filion had to do was draft Ballargeon mid stretch then move outside him with a clear path to the wire.

Nothing excuses moving inside behind the other 2 horsesin front of you locking yourself in with a 1/5.

And contrary to the opinion expressed by less knowledgeable handicappers, Tyga Hanover is a $110,000 yearling purchase who is North American Cup eligible racing against a shit field of NW-1 competition who themselves were a combined 0 for 100 lifetime!

Tyga Hanover was the overwhelming single in the late pk4 by all the Canadian handicappers after losing his qualifier to Stag Party by 1/2 length with a last 1/4 of 26.4

Filion's move looks a lot different when you know all the facts about who he was driving. :1


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MCNAIR,DOUGLAS R                   
Commission Rule Number : 6.20(B) 6.01(C)                                                               
Date Issued : 22-APR-2019
Total Due :   1000.00
Violation Occurred : Race 1 at WOODBINE MOHAWK PARK on 13-APR-2019 horse HAL N SAMMY
Suspended From 24-APR-2019 To 28-APR-2019 (Driving Suspension)
 (Suspensions  Reinstated On 29-APR-2019)

Woodbine doesn't seem to play favorites and Filion's drive deserves a stewards hearing to defend his drive.


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Trip nor distance traveled exonerate moving inside to bury your horse then having to grab hold before the wire to keep from running the dead leaders over.

There were 3 horses lose on the lead turning for home with Filion moving up on the outside.

All Filion had to do was draft Ballargeon mid stretch then move outside him with a clear path to the wire.

Nothing excuses moving inside behind the other 2 horsesin front of you locking yourself in with a 1/5.

And contrary to the opinion expressed by less knowledgeable handicappers, Tyga Hanover is a $110,000 yearling purchase who is North American Cup eligible racing against a shit field of NW-1 competition who themselves were a combined 0 for 100 lifetime!

Tyga Hanover was the overwhelming single in the late pk4 by all the Canadian handicappers after losing his qualifier to Stag Party by 1/2 length with a last 1/4 of 26.4

Filion's move looks a lot different when you know all the facts about who he was driving. :1

Doesn’t matter how much the horse cost a rat is a rat.  If he was worth a fuck and NA Cup legible he wouldn’t of been In NW of 1


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Plugs were out in the last turn. Horse was empty. I have seen Fillion stiff, but this was not a stiff drive.


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If you really hit the tri like your redboard says, you should be thanking him for the supposed stuff. Paid way better with the horse finishing 3rd than if he had won


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The track was off, third quarter was 27:3 and Fillion was after him going to three quarter pole and coming for home. Even at the wire he was empty along with the others so i dont see anything here


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My first post, here's my two cents worth:

I don't think Filion stiffed this horse.  I think he a very, VERY overrated driver that is actually quite sedated most nights and I have seen comatose moves like this one from him many times over the 30 years I've followed racing.  First-time no Filion to a McNair, Roy, Henry and forget about it, the horse will be better.

That brings about the underlying issue in the original poster's rant: WHY ARE THE BETTORS SHARPER THAN THE DRIVERS ARE MORE THAN THEY ARE NOT?  It's true!  It's a big reason why I bet much less than I used to.  I work like a dog to have expendable income to pursue my hobby that I've been passionate about since my Grandfather started taking me to the races as a kid only to have Louis Roy fence a Beachin Lindy at 1/5 or, as in this case, Filion's in a coma on a 1/5 shot who is clearly on the left line and inclined to run out on his own but decides to STEER him to the inside.  Does he win if he gives him his face and let's him run out, avoiding the slight inside traffic at the wire?  Maybe not, but sure would be nice to have a chance to see.  And don't get me wrong: no real wise guy wants the horse to win anyway and most of the big plays I make these days are to beat horses/drivers like this combination, but having said that, I know I'm in the minority (because the horse was favored) and I understand the bigger picture of this issue, the frustration of the betting public in a nutshell: we as handicappers, lovers of the game, gamblers are sharper than the majority of the guys at the controls and they make a very good living regardless while we tap out supporting a sport we love in which the odds are so stacked against us (takeout, incremental wagers, drugged up horses and AWFUL, AWFUL, drives) that we really should shake our heads and wonder why we even bother, especially when the governing bodies are of the same characteristics as the drivers: dispassionate, complacent, entitled, comatose and just plain stupid.

Thanks for reading.  Looking forward to some more back and forth on this.  Have a good Friday.

Powerful Patricks Ghost

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Trip nor distance traveled exonerate moving inside to bury your horse then having to grab hold before the wire to keep from running the dead leaders over.

There were 3 horses lose on the lead turning for home with Filion moving up on the outside.

All Filion had to do was draft Ballargeon mid stretch then move outside him with a clear path to the wire.

Nothing excuses moving inside behind the other 2 horsesin front of you locking yourself in with a 1/5.

And contrary to the opinion expressed by less knowledgeable handicappers, Tyga Hanover is a $110,000 yearling purchase who is North American Cup eligible racing against a shit field of NW-1 competition who themselves were a combined 0 for 100 lifetime!

Tyga Hanover was the overwhelming single in the late pk4 by all the Canadian handicappers after losing his qualifier to Stag Party by 1/2 length with a last 1/4 of 26.4

Filion's move looks a lot different when you know all the facts about who he was driving. :1

Look, I'm critical of drives often but this aint it chief. If it's so easy to just get your horse to follow another one why don't you hop in the bike? Ever been on one that has a mind of its own? The horse was fighting Filion for more than 1/8th maybe almost a 1/4. Even if you ignore trip, watch the reply again. Take a look at the horse's head action from the top of the stretch to finish.

Having followed this circuit the most out of any other harness one, this isn't a Fillion stiff. The classic Fillion stiff is to bury the horse on the rail, find trouble, then get out too late. If Fillion wanted to stiff this one, why did he pull first up at all? If he's NAC eligible and such high potential, why stiff to stay in class?

Powerful Patricks Ghost

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MCNAIR,DOUGLAS R                   
Commission Rule Number : 6.20(B) 6.01(C)                                                               
Date Issued : 22-APR-2019
Total Due :   1000.00
Violation Occurred : Race 1 at WOODBINE MOHAWK PARK on 13-APR-2019 horse HAL N SAMMY
Suspended From 24-APR-2019 To 28-APR-2019 (Driving Suspension)
 (Suspensions  Reinstated On 29-APR-2019)

Woodbine doesn't seem to play favorites and Filion's drive deserves a stewards hearing to defend his drive.

Do you think McNair was suspended for stiffing Hal N Sammy?  Horse finished a well beaten 6th. If anything, he was suspended for over use of the whip, not stiffing.


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My first post, here's my two cents worth:

I don't think Filion stiffed this horse.  I think he a very, VERY overrated driver that is actually quite sedated most nights and I have seen comatose moves like this one from him many times over the 30 years I've followed racing.  First-time no Filion to a McNair, Roy, Henry and forget about it, the horse will be better.

That brings about the underlying issue in the original poster's rant: WHY ARE THE BETTORS SHARPER THAN THE DRIVERS ARE MORE THAN THEY ARE NOT?  It's true!  It's a big reason why I bet much less than I used to.  I work like a dog to have expendable income to pursue my hobby that I've been passionate about since my Grandfather started taking me to the races as a kid only to have Louis Roy fence a Beachin Lindy at 1/5 or, as in this case, Filion's in a coma on a 1/5 shot who is clearly on the left line and inclined to run out on his own but decides to STEER him to the inside.  Does he win if he gives him his face and let's him run out, avoiding the slight inside traffic at the wire?  Maybe not, but sure would be nice to have a chance to see.  And don't get me wrong: no real wise guy wants the horse to win anyway and most of the big plays I make these days are to beat horses/drivers like this combination, but having said that, I know I'm in the minority (because the horse was favored) and I understand the bigger picture of this issue, the frustration of the betting public in a nutshell: we as handicappers, lovers of the game, gamblers are sharper than the majority of the guys at the controls and they make a very good living regardless while we tap out supporting a sport we love in which the odds are so stacked against us (takeout, incremental wagers, drugged up horses and AWFUL, AWFUL, drives) that we really should shake our heads and wonder why we even bother, especially when the governing bodies are of the same characteristics as the drivers: dispassionate, complacent, entitled, comatose and just plain stupid.

Thanks for reading.  Looking forward to some more back and forth on this.  Have a good Friday.

Honestly....YOU GET IT!


  • Guest
My first post, here's my two cents worth:

I don't think Filion stiffed this horse.  I think he a very, VERY overrated driver that is actually quite sedated most nights and I have seen comatose moves like this one from him many times over the 30 years I've followed racing.  First-time no Filion to a McNair, Roy, Henry and forget about it, the horse will be better.

That brings about the underlying issue in the original poster's rant: WHY ARE THE BETTORS SHARPER THAN THE DRIVERS ARE MORE THAN THEY ARE NOT?  It's true!  It's a big reason why I bet much less than I used to.  I work like a dog to have expendable income to pursue my hobby that I've been passionate about since my Grandfather started taking me to the races as a kid only to have Louis Roy fence a Beachin Lindy at 1/5 or, as in this case, Filion's in a coma on a 1/5 shot who is clearly on the left line and inclined to run out on his own but decides to STEER him to the inside.  Does he win if he gives him his face and let's him run out, avoiding the slight inside traffic at the wire?  Maybe not, but sure would be nice to have a chance to see.  And don't get me wrong: no real wise guy wants the horse to win anyway and most of the big plays I make these days are to beat horses/drivers like this combination, but having said that, I know I'm in the minority (because the horse was favored) and I understand the bigger picture of this issue, the frustration of the betting public in a nutshell: we as handicappers, lovers of the game, gamblers are sharper than the majority of the guys at the controls and they make a very good living regardless while we tap out supporting a sport we love in which the odds are so stacked against us (takeout, incremental wagers, drugged up horses and AWFUL, AWFUL, drives) that we really should shake our heads and wonder why we even bother, especially when the governing bodies are of the same characteristics as the drivers: dispassionate, complacent, entitled, comatose and just plain stupid.

Thanks for reading.  Looking forward to some more back and forth on this.  Have a good Friday.

There is only one reason I cash tickets at Woodbine anymore.....I Box! I box and box and box.  tmbz1

No singles, no keys and no trusting these Canadian fucks to give an honest effort. 11.wp

What I cash has zero to do with what I post about or email racing boards about. tmbz1

I got Marcus Miller a 7 day vacation for pulling a similar no try drive shit with an Erv 1/9 monster.

I hit that race big because I anticipated the no try drive coming from Marcus.

When I emailed the Illinois Racing Board I included a snapshot of my bets to prove I wasn't just a sore loser.

I knew the way these guys operate and as sure as shit stinks they performed right on cue. tmbz1

Filion ducked inside into a 29.1 last quarter with a NACup eligible horse who finished blocked at the wire.

This was a text book no try drive and if I had paid those nomination fees I would be pissed. 91zxa.1 


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