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I got a question that I can't for the life of me understand the thought process of some parents?How in the hell does Papa Bon Bon involve his wife and kids in what appears to be illegal activity?Doesn't sifting assets or evading/hiding assets deliberately from a bankruptcy court mean possible criminal charges? And if you participate in this scheme in any way shape or form can't you be held criminally libel?If the penalties are only civil then maybe he figures it's worth the fine to use his kids to hide assets.Jen left her Meadowlands job to "try her hand at training". Laundering assets appears to have been the real motive. Now's she's putting Lou Pena to shame.
If the kids were not aware and to be honest doubt Jennifer lnew anything..then she cane be held criminally. Assetts might be able to be taken....ok sell the horses and without the juice they are worth 22 cents.
why are all you losers involved in this familys personal business
I can make change for a quarter, why? do you need two dimes and a nickel?
Why? I'll tell you why. You run around here like you're some kind of harness racing fucking savant; telling Ruffolo he's an ass hole for running in a $300k race. You act like you were standing RIGHT THERE! every time any top trainer drugged a horse.Your redboards are pathetically ham handed.You act as if you are the only person alive who thinks the industry is poorly regulated.You make believe you know all other kinds of various and sundry shit you cannot possibly know.That' about it off the top of my head. I diagnose your condition asBUST OUT TRAINER Sound about right?