Author Topic: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?  (Read 16937 times)

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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2019, 09:11:04 AM »
And furthermore, your post was originally to try to get people to believe smolin was in trouble for something...., Then you go on to say you know what Illinois Racing Board officials do...if you have inside knowledge, you would therefore know if something was happening...thus proving your've just been made a fool by a talentless 30 yr old....🤣🤣
just so we know how qualified you are to talk about someone's $2,,,,,

is that Bankruptcy Case from 2013-14 yours or your Pop's or your Uncle's?  ,,,,,

or was it just some other unrelated, random guy named Richard Finn from Crete?

 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3

Low Groove

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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2019, 09:14:19 AM »
Finn with the win!


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2019, 09:36:47 AM »
This is some funny shit.


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2019, 10:07:50 AM »
This is some funny shit.
You know what’s really funny? People that always worry about other people’s shit. Who gives a shit about why. Swoodall and some of the others on here are just bitches and worry about what other people are doing and why they are. Swoodall why don’t you worry about getting caught collecting fake disability checks! If your such a great person take that bogus cane and limp and get a job instead of sitting at the otb all day and coming up with some conspiracy shit.


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2019, 01:54:14 PM »
just so we know how qualified you are to talk about someone's $2,,,,,

is that Bankruptcy Case from 2013-14 yours or your Pop's or your Uncle's?  ,,,,,

or was it just some other unrelated, random guy named Richard Finn from Crete?

 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3

This wasn't necessary but I appreciate the effort.

I can hold my own against these Crackheads. 43xc.2

I lay out the bait and the rats fall all over themselves to be the first to eat it. angbk

Although I will admit that sometimes, like this time, someone else makes themselves the center of attention.

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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2019, 02:07:50 PM »
That was good reminded me of the Terry and Steve battles on BTW on recapture and other issues. If anyone thinks the members at the IRB who have real jobs wake up, brew some coffee, and race to find edge cutting rants on plop or theories...That's hilarious 😂. They should be worried about the funding and how they test horses in IL. Rich your fine if your worried about betting down a old man. He more likely mid to late 50's. George will point him out.


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2019, 02:27:41 PM »
For all the 30 nothings who the world really doesn't revolve around let's go back to square one. tmbz1

When the sun goes down the rest of the world retains memories of what happened that day. tmbz1

We don't kill those memories with drugs and alcohol. 43xc.2 74zac.1

So to some of us Smolin moving ownership and trainer responsibilities aka bearding is nothing new.

This happened before when Smolin changed ownership, had Roberta listed as trainer, drove against his own horse as a co-favorite pushing the front end while Josh Sutton circled the field at 17-1 on Smolie's own horse. 77z.chf 91.jzail

I get it that some of you are too fucking stupid to remember your yesterdays but most of us are not. tmbz1

So Smolin playing musical chairs with his ownership and training duties again will serve two purposes:

1.) It hides income from the State Courts and Child Services. (Not a huge amount but still income)

2.) It allows Smolin the ability to drive against his own horses again so he can use another trainers horse to help his win.    All Smolin needs is a lackey to go along with his scheme. Finn used Smolin on one of his own entries at box car odds last year as Finn cut the mile on his shorter priced horse while Smolin sat in the pocket. 77z.chf

Unfortunately for these two cons the rest of us aren't brain dead.

As for Finn wanting to be the center of attention: STOP!

You think you're slick playing games with your license AND YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I AM REFERRING TOO!

The "Shutdown" won't be so funny if or when you get caught. 77z.chf 91.jzail

The assclowns chiming in on your behalf now will abandon you like a hot potato if that happens. :'(


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2019, 02:31:43 PM »
That was good reminded me of the Terry and Steve battles on BTW on recapture and other issues. If anyone thinks the members at the IRB who have real jobs wake up, brew some coffee, and race to find edge cutting rants on plop or theories...That's hilarious 😂. They should be worried about the funding and how they test horses in IL. Rich your fine if your worried about betting down a old man. He more likely mid to late 50's. George will point him out.

Ever have coffee with any of them while they are reading plop right in front of you?  hcx.1

Junior would be better served if George told him to shut up. tmbz1


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2019, 04:50:25 PM »
If any racing commission bases ANYTHING of this website then harness is worse than ever imagined.

No clue who Finn is but if you admit you are a shitty driver why drive. You do realize people bet on this shitty product correct?

With 113 posts you're probably not aware of plop's history with "Breaking News" first. tmbz1

Also Jim is right about the makeup of today's racing boards.

The members and employees who did care about policing horse racing have been forced out .

And thats true in almost every state. They don't want the negative press anymore.

No politician can justify slot welfare for criminals.

So the chances of today's racing board members showing the same concern past members have shown is probably slim and none. :'(


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2019, 04:53:06 PM »
I want to hear more from Richard Finn ,,,

If my Muslim conversion doesn't work ,,,

I might try Amish. tmbz1 tmbz1 tmbz1

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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2019, 10:51:29 PM »
Swoodall your saying you have had coffee with them in the morning to call it fact? I'm sure your wife would like a explanation. Right no I have not and like I stated they have real jobs to ready themselves for the day and doubt plop is part of it. Again unless you have something to share to the class with morning with Jeff Brincat?


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2019, 07:49:05 PM »
Sorry Calhoun, I was out for tea with my girlfriend for bankruptcy, I've never filed so the Richard Finn you're referring is surely not me. To the gent that asked if I can admit that I'm a bad driver but why do it? Bc it's fun, I drive my own horses, if I'm bad, toss me out of your gimmicks, no harm as for swooey, I'm still utterly confused on what you're talking about? My license is fully in tact. My owners are completely legit. So please stop with the theories, bet me tonight in the 6th, hit a lick, go get you a cheap hooker on 159th and lose that V card, I promise alot of your bottled anger will go away ...

P.S. I truly am sorry your childhood dreams of becoming a harness driver never became reality ..I'm whole heartedly willing to be your emotional punching bag....Good day sir.

rollin smolin

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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2019, 07:52:42 PM »


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2019, 08:01:19 PM »
Does this mean we're broken up?


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Re: Oh No Something Must Be Wrong In Smolieville?
« Reply #29 on: August 17, 2019, 10:15:17 PM »
They just cmae out on the track and I want Richard S Finn to win! tmbz1 ngc3

I have him as one of my horses to finish the pk4! tmbz1 ngc3

You think he would tank if he knew I was live to him for $1,010.00? ngc3 ngc3

Go Junior Go! 87xc.2 11.wp


shout out

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