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Reality TV. With all of the shit that goes on at every backstretch it would become must watch TV. Everybody loves a train wreck. It would be like Jerry Springer at the track every night.
Hopefully ignorant no spelling idiots like you will be "banned."
The only future for horse racing is that hopefully it will be banded so you greedy folks cant abuse aminals any longer
Hopefully, you'll be banded so we can identify your imbecile selfYou're way the hell out of bounds overgeneralizing on all horsemen / women. There might could be a few that are inhumane and mistreat the race horses .... however, the majority of people in this sport treat their horses better than their kids. You should consider the idiocy of your remarks before you slap them out for public consumption and make it a certainty that you #me too are the dumbest person posting on this space.
With trainera entering 3-4-5 in every stake already, are we not seeing the future already?