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The point wasn't that Burke wouldn't have no more than 5 horses make money,,,, The point is what percentage of a big stable horses don't make money.....Not picking on Burke -- obviously the man is heads and tails above 98% of trainers. but would it be safe to say a horse needs to make $60k to clear a profit ?Training - shipping - stall rent - vet - shoe - paddocks - misc - 5% to Trainer - 5% to driver
The point is also you should buy 60 poorly bred babies and charge the highest training Bill's in the country then act like you are doing the sport a favor
If you own a private business you don't have to disclose anything other than your sales and taxes and employee benefits to the government. But when you have a public investment business like Anthony has everything must be disclosed with regards to what was paid for said horses and what are the everyday bills for said horses that the clients invest in. But from what I hear and was told by former clients Anthony takes non-disclosure to new heights and to this I say lots of luck investors.
AM talking to himself before the yearling sales:Lets see Anthony, I have about $1M to spend on yearlings so should I buy 20 yearlings, nicely bred for $50K each or should I spend the $1M on about 60 yearlings? How many people do I know that would let me pick out a $50K yearling, train it, and maybe if I am lucky let me drive...I can only think of 3 and 2 are in an insane asylum....that won't work.I have an idea let me buy 60 yearlings as most people can afford the $150.00-$200.00 investment so they can tell their friends they own part of a racehorse. At the same time I will make 3x the money, blow smoke at them as to how great they all are and at 1% who is going to complain not to mention I will never let anyone know who else owns the other 99%. Come March 1 I have made alot of money, I will then stake every horse somewhere (since its not my money) and that buys me another 3-4 months and then I can feed them the line about the knees not being closed, needs to mature, or use one of my many other excuses which they will buy since owners want to hear good news. Come September I can start this all over again...man am I smart...PT Barnum was right, there is a sucker born every minute.Should I luck out and get a good horse I can send them to a real trainer in the USA, keep it in the stable, collect my $4000 a month and pay a real trainer $3000 a month and take the credit when and if a horse does well.Is it too late to get nominated for TIME magazine Man of the Year?
the point stop fckin cryinif you cant or dont want to take a risk and buy a few babies,,AKA what u can afford be prepared to lose money..if a person knows pretty much within a few bucks what a trainer charges a month than its up to the person if he wants to buy a horse or 88 horse with that trainer...psif you spend 60 k on a so called poorly bred baby than the Mirror is for you...if you let others pick out your babies and you dont want to do you homework on sale books and videos than its your fault stop blamin,,burke, ,,anthony etc etc etc THE FCKIN MIRROR WILL NEVER LIE,,,,BUT MY THEORY HOLDS TRUE TO EVERY VENUE..know the trainers bills before u jump in,,if you jump in and lose ,,buying shitty babies ,,betting like a CHOOCHalways blaming others THAN ,,,WALMART HAS A SALE ON MIRRORS THE MRROR WILL NEVER LIE TO YOUYOU FCKED UP AND WANT TO BLAME OTHERS CUS U BOUGHT A BAD HORSE,,WITH THAT SAIDANTHONY GOOD LUCK ,,ALL YR WITH YOUR STABLE
i know you arent talking about me luc...if you are, just remember I warned you to keep my name out of your mouth, dont forget that...youve been warned again.