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ferdinand the bull

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Purely speculation but is this thing going down? Are the padded bills a last ditch effort to save a sinking ship or to save AM own ass?

Lil Bit

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I have lost thousands of dollars as a whole during my years there. I am down to 35 shares from 250 shares in several horses. Once those horses get sold that I have shares in. No more Stable for me. I have no say on who drives as I only have shares in these horses. And yes it sucked knowing there were better drivers out there for the horses and we could not use those drivers. Learned a lot with my time with the stable being a novice. Especially how to bend over and take it in the ass with no lube.   :1Golddigger did you by chance own Bendover?

Lil Bit

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Golddigger did you by chance own Bendover?


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No, but that could sum it up.
 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3


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Bottle of red back in to go. Let's see if she moves forward or backward off last effort

I remember you saying that this horse would be cooked off its last start and rather than moving two times, he should have sat and ended up the track - she raced okay tonight I think - (and yes I know - he shouldnt have backstretch blasted past 5 horses in a 30 second quarter).

Lil Bit

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Big deal win in 56.3 last quarter in29 at Mohawk. Another Stable horse was on top and let her go . Staggering at the wire. For what they have into her she should beat nw1 .

ferdinand the bull

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Big deal win in 56.3 last quarter in29 at Mohawk. Another Stable horse was on top and let her go . Staggering at the wire. For what they have into her she should beat nw1 .
Does Allard own this one


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Solid win by Bottle of Red, horse has looked good in all 3 races she has had this year.

horses first

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The problem with the stable and selling shares your selling them to the clients of the stable.
Clients that only seem to own shares they can afford. Also the clients that actually have money
are smart enough not to buy shares to horses that are mediocre and a drain on cash flow. Most
shares are over priced and if they are being dumped why buy them. That's the problem with the
stable or owning in syndicates. You can't get out...only when the owner wants to pitch them.

ferdinand the bull

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No, but that could sum it up.
 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3
What's your take on the stables involvement with the recently indicted?

ferdinand the bull

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If this is because certain commissions waived the white flag and got the FBI involved then IMO it doesn't matter if your in the US or Canada your going to pay the piper and I do believe the RCMP are well up to date on what has transpired up to now.
Don't think they would like the authorities checking financials at the stable

horses first

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Iceman if he's flying around first class on clients time fuck that. They over charged clients for Lexington horses. They based it on buying around X amount of horses before the sale tacking on the price. Then bought 6 or 7 horses over and didn't change the dollar amount. I'm sure there was leftover for his two recent vacations. Well sounds like enough clients have seen enough and they can't bring more in its just a matter of time. If that doesn't get him a recession or back turn in the economy will. Watch any marginal horse will be shipped off to a sale. Especially the 2 yr olds with so many open shares. He won't be footing the bills for a bunch of NW 1 or horses that can't qualify. Pitch city dimes on the dollar. Then guarantee a new format for upcoming sales. No way you will see 60-70 purchases anymore.

ferdinand the bull

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What was the reason for hiring Kelly Spencer who was media relations person at Grand River, the only reason I can think of is to add a professional touch to all of Anthony's media about TheStable. At first they paid an outside person and he told them forget it he wasn't going to do it any more, why because they were late paying. The guy is dumber than dirt but like MLK he had a dream too but someone other than Anthony developed this scheme and Anthony is so clueless they will walk before the cards fall and Anthony will take the fall. Just look at who is singing his praises you have SC, WEG, primarily and USTA, WEG controls everything with SC. Some newbie investors still haven't figured out their getting taken because their still in their "Golly Gee I Have A Piece of a Race Horse". Then there is the people that thought let's give it a shot, people who owned horses before and though maybe we get lucky on one. This last group are the ones selling and getting out and the negative word is spoken by them not just on Horseplop as some say but Sheets was in it and he got out. Without the experienced shareholders the newbies can't carry this thing, period. And this year we will all see it come crashing to the ground and Anthony will have no more free ride, hell no one would even want to be in the same room as him and as for WEG they will always be there but Anthony will be headed back east to PEI because here was a egotistical guy from the east coast who thought he could outsmart others in the big city and failed.
Very logical post Ice and maybe Purple or Goldigger could answer if they as shareholders ever got cut a cheque from their horses winnings?
Spencer left a lucrative job with Grand River Raceway, how much would the stable pay her to.entice her to leave

Brown jug

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regardless of many theories it all comes down to the performance of the horses
if horses do well the cash flow for owners to buy more continues
if horses do not perform than people struggle to pay monthly bills and certainly no money for existing shares or any new yearlings


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Anthony has to buy less stock and better stock

Reduce owners by at least half only chance left to succeed



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