Author Topic: TRUMP  (Read 239858 times)

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« Reply #585 on: June 27, 2020, 11:35:19 AM »
Trump is not a racist. How could anyone be for Biden and the liberal agenda? It makes me sick to my stomach what is going on in our Country. No respect for authority or anything else for that matter... 46fzlag


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« Reply #586 on: June 27, 2020, 06:43:54 PM »
So comrade Trump was briefed that Russians paid bounties on American soldiers killed in Afghanistan.  Trump admires Putin (his words), admiring someone who put a bounty on American soldiers.  As a vet—-fuck you bone spurs, may you rot in hell if this stands up.  I’d vote for a potato before you.


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« Reply #587 on: June 27, 2020, 08:44:09 PM »
So comrade Trump was briefed that Russians paid bounties on American soldiers killed in Afghanistan.  Trump admires Putin (his words), admiring someone who put a bounty on American soldiers.  As a vet—-fuck you bone spurs, may you rot in hell if this stands up.  I’d vote for a potato before you.

I said bar of soap, but potato will do.


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« Reply #588 on: June 27, 2020, 09:56:30 PM »
That disgusting, lying CUNT, Kayleigh McEnany said that Trump and Pence did not know about the bounty on US troops is 100 percent an absolute fucking lie to go with the other 256,766 that have been told.

Foreign Intel says otherwise.

Read this thread and some of the sub-threads in it and you might get some idea how massive and world wide this operation is


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« Reply #589 on: June 27, 2020, 10:30:32 PM »
That disgusting, lying CUNT, Kayleigh McEnany said that Trump and Pence did not know about the bounty on US troops is 100 percent an absolute fucking lie to go with the other 256,766 that have been told.

Foreign Intel says otherwise.

Read this thread and some of the sub-threads in it and you might get some idea how massive and world wide this operation is

C'mon, TINTIN  -  squeeze the juvenile dirty talk.  You are ignorant of current events and would be well done to be real darned quiet.


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« Reply #590 on: June 27, 2020, 11:16:05 PM »
Pathetic part is mayors in all these high profile cities have the ability to pass police reform and don't need Congress and there pathetic attempts of partisanship they have been playing for two decades.

So why don't these mayors take the stance against police killings of black men? Job security? Really do your job make your cities safer and stop the killing of black men. But its greed over good. Just another reason to show politicians don't work for the tax payer. Worried about there own career and their special interests.

Police killing of black men? What’s this .1% of all black murders? Let’s focus on the bigger issues please especially in the war zone known as Chicago.
gonna start a syndicate betting balmoral, who wants to invest?


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« Reply #591 on: June 28, 2020, 06:00:01 AM »
What a bunch of pussies.  The choice is real simple.  I dont give a shit about the comments on here what he looks like, how he talks, etc.  He aint no politician.  The important thing is you pussies better buckle up. If you want your business, meaning horse business, then shut your mouth and vote for trump.  Guess what deregs are in place for our biz after y all fucking scandal.  really?  I read the bills, you morons dont.  take a GOOD look at the land charter Trump has proposed with the Indians.  guess what, the Indians own you and trump agrees.  so be really nice to your local Indians.  dont forget trump went up against them in nj and lost, he has respect for them, and they respect him.  now if you morons take  good look at what biden is promising you, its nothing.  de nada.  cause he is too busy pandering to the black folks.  you have no idea what you would vote in with biden.  he s going to appoint some black wacko who will be president within 3 months.  and its going to be a socialist, in other words, a commie.  so I suggest y all get your shit together, get over your hate for trump, and realize, without him, you aint going to have a biz.  by the time you pay your taxes and try to beg your way out self employment taxes that biden is proposing, you wont make a dime.  you will lose everything.  the choice is simple.  law and order dude who is a businessman who knows what you are doing, or a jack off 40 year old lying pos who is too busy saying YOU AINT BLACK instead of giving answers that have already been given by trump.


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« Reply #592 on: June 28, 2020, 10:18:47 AM »
Tintin  .....  "That disgusting, lying CUNT, Kayleigh McEnany said that Trump and Pence did not know about the bounty on US troops is 100 percent an absolute fucking lie."

"Statement from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who said he "confirmed that neither the president nor the vice president were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by the New York Times in its reporting yesterday."

Tintin  ....    Are you open to the possibility, you are the lying, disgusting CUNT?


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« Reply #593 on: June 28, 2020, 10:35:49 AM »
Dingus  ....   Before you starting yapping about my bias and how you provided me with a source giving all sides, here you go.
When commenting on Trump and Pence knowing about the Russian action:

The left article uses words like  UNCLEAR     REPORTEDLY       in other words, they have zero proof

The middle uses words like      BELIEVED     ALLEGED     NOT CLEAR       in other words, a nothing burger

The right uses the phrase        COULDN'T BE DETERMINED                 in other words, no one in the media has knows

But of course that won't stop Big Media and Social Media from a verbal dance to avoid libel, but still influencing 10's of thousands of small minded people like Tintin.    That's all they need to do to deliver the President they want in November.   I can't understand why you don't see it.


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« Reply #594 on: June 28, 2020, 10:45:52 AM »
Dingus  ....   Before you starting yapping about my bias and how you provided me with a source giving all sides, here you go.
When commenting on Trump and Pence knowing about the Russian action:

The left article uses words like  UNCLEAR     REPORTEDLY       in other words, they have zero proof

The middle uses words like      BELIEVED     ALLEGED     NOT CLEAR       in other words, a nothing burger

The right uses the phrase        COULDN'T BE DETERMINED                 in other words, no one in the media has knows

But of course that won't stop Big Media and Social Media from a verbal dance to avoid libel, but still influencing 10's of thousands of small minded people like Tintin.    That's all they need to do to deliver the President they want in November.   I can't understand why you don't see it.

I haven’t said a word about this yet.
As you know, there are stories written by anyone, about everyone, and they run from the extreme left to the extreme right.
The idea, to be fair, is never agree 100% with 1 side or the other, every single time.
I’m guessing I am not on your ignore list because I try to not be completely biased.
For instance, I abhor Trump, but not exactly in love with Biden.
But at least when I see Biden, I don’t puke.   73cv.2


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« Reply #595 on: June 28, 2020, 12:45:31 PM »
Dingus   ....   You are not on ignore because you have something to say, you don't have to degrade someone to make your point and you don't rely on emojis.

Neither of us like Trump.
I like his Administration.   
Not sure if you do or not.

Many people aren't racist.
Everyone has a bias. 


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« Reply #596 on: June 28, 2020, 01:56:19 PM »
Tintin  .....  "That disgusting, lying CUNT, Kayleigh McEnany said that Trump and Pence did not know about the bounty on US troops is 100 percent an absolute fucking lie."

"Statement from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who said he "confirmed that neither the president nor the vice president were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by the New York Times in its reporting yesterday."

Tintin  ....    Are you open to the possibility, you are the lying, disgusting CUNT?

I am open to the fact that they are 100 percent lying and that you are gullible as hell. If U believe that statement by Ratliffe, I have 3 champion horses to sell you.

Just think, if Intelligence didn't tell Trump or anyone about a bounty on US troops, how fucking pathetic and negligent would they be. UK troops had a bounty put on them as well and they knew about it so the chances of that is a fucking zero.


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« Reply #597 on: June 28, 2020, 02:05:26 PM »
'It's not connected to reality': John Bolton blasts Donald Trump's claims he didn't know Russia put a bounty on US troops while Nancy Pelosi suggests he 'ignored' the reports because Moscow 'has something on him'

Yep and Yep.

They have plenty on the puppet. Two words, "Semion Mogilevich"

We will find out over the next year how true this is. Until then, buckle up.


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« Reply #598 on: June 28, 2020, 02:30:05 PM »
"I am open to the fact that they are 100 percent lying and that you are gullible as hell. If U believe that statement by Ratliffe, I have 3 champion horses to sell you.

Just think, if Intelligence didn't tell Trump or anyone about a bounty on US troops, how fucking pathetic and negligent would they be. UK troops had a bounty put on them as well and they knew about it so the chances of that is a fucking zero."

Now that is a response that at least puts something out there.
You don't trust the Director of National Intelligence.   I have no issue that someone mistrusts government that much.  They've earned it.
If Trump wasn't told, that's pathetic.   Depends.  I'm sure National Intelligence is filtering 100's of issues each day.  It's their job to determine which are legitimate and serious.    They can't run to the POTUS 100 times a day, for briefings that are unnecessary.    Like any big company, there are probably 5 levels of management vetting concerns and information before it gets anywhere near the presidents desk.   


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« Reply #599 on: June 28, 2020, 02:37:38 PM »
"I am open to the fact that they are 100 percent lying and that you are gullible as hell. If U believe that statement by Ratliffe, I have 3 champion horses to sell you.

Just think, if Intelligence didn't tell Trump or anyone about a bounty on US troops, how fucking pathetic and negligent would they be. UK troops had a bounty put on them as well and they knew about it so the chances of that is a fucking zero."

Now that is a response that at least puts something out there.
You don't trust the Director of National Intelligence.   I have no issue that someone mistrusts government that much.  They've earned it.
If Trump wasn't told, that's pathetic.   Depends.  I'm sure National Intelligence is filtering 100's of issues each day.  It's their job to determine which are legitimate and serious.    They can't run to the POTUS 100 times a day, for briefings that are unnecessary.    Like any big company, there are probably 5 levels of management vetting concerns and information before it gets anywhere near the presidents desk.

Well, you have to admit that having a bounty on coalition troops is pretty serious is it not?


shout out

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