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He took umbradge because I said most people view adults that wager real money on horses pulling a buggy are "akin to crack heads" in public perception. The average person knows little to nothing about online gamblers, but they can see the regulars going into tracks and OTB's. I think we all agree that gamblers and are not held in high regard just as users of illegal drugs aren't either. We're all sick degens to most and frankly their probably right.
I have seen many, many people become problem gamblers and I've watched the methodical destruction in their lives. They all basically share the same story: Somebody took them as a child to track and they're still ensnared in the gambling game decades later. I have a strong belief in not exposing the innocence of a child to gambling.
I must say, I didn't mean to sound as though I blame all horsemen. I have known some horsemen that were hard working people and I knew a few who were caught doing stuff that got them barred. My exchanges with that poster got me going because I have seen many, many people become problem gamblers and I've watched the methodical destruction in their lives. They all basically share the same story: Somebody took them as a child to track and they're still ensnared in the gambling game decades later. I have a strong belief in not exposing the innocence of a child to gambling. My children have no idea what I do. I have never, ever taken them anywhere close to a gambling establishment. Once somebody is an adult and they make that decision, that's on them. That's why you have to be 21 to get in a casino. As far the big names not using drugs, I must admit I've become jaded over the years and I'm leary of anyone with a high percentage. I watched Gary Stevens hand Pat Day a buzzer after the winning the 95 Ky. Derby and if HOF jocks and trainers will cheat on the biggest stage, imagine whats going on at every other track.
They didn't spend or put all this effort into exposing that Racing was corrupt and each and every State and Provincial Commisions have been exposed as totally incapable of overseeing and policing the sport all the while taking in millions of dollars in taxes every year. The only way Racing returns is with one body with one commissioner period. Each State and Province will not be able to debate what this will cost each of them and if they don't go along they give up their right to hold races in that State or Province. Further to this it won't matter if you had Racing before you won't automatically get a licence to start racing they will take into account where punishment should have been handed out according to the rules and wasn't or infractions were swept under the carpet. This whole investigation is not about who was cheating and who was caught but how each State and Province conducted themselves allowing this to go on so long. Yes the landscape will be quite different and it's like those programs you see on TV about hoarders you have to completely tear it down and start fresh.
Sounds good. Keep up the good work, Tim.