And how would a new system be funded? What would be the scope of the system. We all know, the systems current scope is to detect overages for therapeutic drugs. The designer drugs for which the 29 were indicted for, were not detectable.
Thinking we could have a clean game by relying on drug testing at any level is foolish. The only tool the state and management has to hold people accountable and remove the cheaters is surety bond system.
Just like most other occupational licenses administered by the state, you must provide a surety bond to make anyone whole you may wrong. Like an general contractor, a auto dealer a private school. These industries are risky to the consumer and the principals must provide a determined amount of monetary protection in order to be licensed by the state to operate in their state.
Owners, trainers and drivers along with Vets should be bonded and people who suffer losses do to their misdeeds to be made whole from the surety bonding company.
I would even say the gamblers would have a right to participate in being made whole if harmed by a cheater.