While,JOHN FRANK ARMY on subject.
YOOOSSE fucks know JOHN FRANK ARMY out every morning, went from 4 miles to 5. He arrives at park at 5 AM. Cops are parked there. I talk with them. They LOVE JOHN FRANK ARMY. A 73 year old VET that keeps himself in shape. INITIALLY they ran me plates. Wanted to know WHO I WAS. It actually illegal to do that,but I walkin in closed park that don't open until sunrise. They OK with me doin it. SO'S me WONDER with PUKE. Her a OUT OFFFF SHAPE person that has never done anything in heees life.
PUKE: Tell everyone at PLOP were yooose GRADUATED from. WE want to hear. Tells us all everythin you have done in your lifetime.
NO one want's to here a FAT OUT of SHAPE mid-50 FUC say: I inheritated MOOOLA and prior to that I had no interest in doin anything because MOMMY and DADDY took care of me. And I still a CHUPPY FAT,that likes makin SHIT up all the TIME. I do accept free SANWHICHES from EYE BOY. WE great buds.
Can't wait for this CO-VID RE-UNION.