Author Topic: America will wake up  (Read 18791 times)

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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2020, 11:01:50 AM »
Swedes did it  correctly

America fcked up

Can we just admit it

Nobody is doing it correctly, because even the majority of the ones that recover are/will have issues down the road.
Many have to go for rehab, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or shortening of their lifespan Because of the disease.


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2020, 09:29:36 PM »
61k are gone ,,,,move to Sweden then



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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #47 on: May 04, 2020, 02:52:40 AM »



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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #48 on: May 04, 2020, 09:01:40 AM »
look what happened in NYC when the only "hot spot" was in New Rochelle? it spread everywhere! across this great nation trace techs are seeing hot spots in places like Albany, NY (gov business travel from NYC area suspected), Toledo (Detroit asymptomatic spreaders travelling 45 miles across state line), etc.

We're fighting an unseen enemy with thousands of asymptomatic super spreaders infecting dozens, who in turn bring home their illness to family or into the workplace.  Shutting non essential businesses, stadiums, places of worship in large gatherings was necessary because the option of herd immunity would have resulted in catastrophic loss of life, as well as an extended infection period.  What's worse is we might not break the chain of transmission entirely, so we'll have to live with this until a vaccine is developed and made available to all.

America did wake up. she made tough choices.  There figured to be a vocal minority who protested and mistook public safety for suppression of freedoms; the former must take priority over the latter, less we end up with 25,000,000 (est.) dead and counting.  My own businesses were negatively affected buy I'm lucky to be healthy and alive...something I couldn't say perhaps if we just went on and didn't shut down.

Instead of spreading misinformation,hype and fear mongering about would have,could have etc--why dont we GO ON FACTS !!!!
1) As of May 1- 37000 have died from Covid19.
2) There are 1.2 million positive cases that have been tested so far-with estimates there are at least 12 Million who are positive-with over 50% showing no symptoms whatsoever.
3) The death rates are now running roughly at around 0.4% of those infected. Confirmed by antibody testing.
4) Of those who died--well over 90% were immune compromised-ie had health issues..
Death rates for healthy people and HEALTHY children--are roughly at 0.001%
Just reflect on those stats--they are the real facts.
Here is what I take out of this virus infection.JMO!!!!
Old people over the age of 65, anyone with serious health issues-like high blood pressure,diabetes,lung/heart disease--have to be COMPLETELY PROTECTED from this virus. Healthy people and healthy children-DONT have to worry about this virus--the biggest problem-is they can pass the virus on to the less protected group--so they have to be isolated as well but can go about their lives. THIS is how you get herd immunity FAST. These healthy group -get infected-recover -and the virus dies when herd immunity develops--then the healthy group once the virus is gone-can join the other group.This happens in a few months-not years.
What we are doing right now to reduce the death rates--is hide from the enemy--BUT its not going away-lurking around till we come out of hiding.
The way New York handled this whole virus-is a total debacle-Exactly on what NOT to do in a pandemic..
Buses were running,subways open,trains/taxis running,no masks,not enough testing,immune compromised people all over the place outside, shops had no limits on number of people etc etc-they slowly closed the loopholes-but that was like shutting the barn door once the horse had bolted out.
They should have done much better--headline news and public announcements-warning PEOPLE WITH HEALTH ISSUES TO STAY THE FUCK HOME FROM THE GETGO-EVEN AWAY FROM FAMILY IF SOMEONE HAD BEEN GOING OUTSIDE IN THE CITY!! Exactly what Jason Bartlett did-when he found out he had been in contact with the virus. Jason now has antibodies-he cant get the virus-and his family wont get it from him either-thats exactly how herd immunity works.  My brother got Covid 19-he did what Jason did--soon as he found out he had been in contact with a person who tested positive-he isolated himself in the basement-sure enough-he got the virus-but he is healthy as a horse so all he got after 4 days was a slight headache and itchy eyes-for 24 hours-then nothing. He went out got tested-positive. Stayed away from everyone for 2 weeks-now he should have antibodies.
People like Jason and my brother and other healthy people-should be allowed to go to work now--businesses open up-using precautions that we now know we need . People with health issues especially those in nursing homes-have to be isolated like never before.
I understand how serious this virus is--but life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot be contained too long. People have died at home,suicides are up,business collapsing to the point of no return--surely we can do better--and opening up businesses,parks and beaches-with strict warnings/precautions is one way to do that.
Horse racing is one area--that should open up. Social distancing,masks,gloves,disinfection,no spectators,temperature checks-are very easy to do in racing.


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #49 on: May 04, 2020, 10:17:52 AM »
B - not sure about all the numbers, probably right but I see different figures in difft sources so tough to anchor down.

I agree with a fair amount of what you say though. There's a pendulum here between economics and safety. Very impt to hear what  science has to say but practicality and reason need to matter.

We've been shut for a month and half - done a lot of economic damage. It would be tough to absorb a lot more. I'm not seeing the standards espoused by the white house being followed in states reopening but I'm not sure reopening some over the warmer months isnt the only choice we have. I'd watch closely and quarantine if it ramps up again to avoid collapse. Just a very very humble view. We're in a shitty place right now.

My bet though is late Fall is going to be real bad. That's what happened with the Spanish Flu. I'd gear up now for that if I was in gvt and medicine. If one survives till early next yr you may be in the clear.

Strange fucking virus isn't it.

Brown jug

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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #50 on: May 04, 2020, 10:31:52 AM »
agree bond
people stop listening to CNN
fear mongering  for ratings
specii9fc areas need to be treated differently based on the level of spread


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #51 on: May 04, 2020, 10:32:40 AM »
One thing we could really use is better testing. That would help to avoid the chaos that occurred in NYC. It's a real contagious virus and once the horse is out of the barn it's tough to control.


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #52 on: May 04, 2020, 11:02:40 AM »
Isnt that greasy little bartender A0C
From new yawk?
Let her decide wat to do with that city!

Heres a fact the chink flu death count
Is being inflated
Die from a heart attack
Die from kidney failure
Die from cancer
Die from anything

 Its TAGGED corona!!

Doctors are NOT likeing this

Death count is (due to covid) truely fake news
Black lives matter? WTF
I was taught all lives matter!
Especially the lives of us rednecks
And our Horsez!!


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #53 on: May 04, 2020, 11:33:33 AM »
America and trump should adopt the swedish motto



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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #54 on: May 04, 2020, 12:24:01 PM »
Isnt that greasy little bartender A0C
From new yawk?
Let her decide wat to do with that city!

Heres a fact the chink flu death count
Is being inflated
Die from a heart attack
Die from kidney failure
Die from cancer
Die from anything

 Its TAGGED corona!!

Doctors are NOT likeing this

Death count is (due to covid) truely fake news

Actually probably being undercounted. That's almost always the way with pandemics.

People in hot spots are afraid of going to hospital, other places people are being told to quarantine at home when they get a respitorary I'll. Not enough tests to confirm whether folks have the CO-19 so they go undercounted.

Bigwrench - you might know a thing or 2 about buggy racing, but otherwise your a chucklehead. ngc3


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #55 on: May 04, 2020, 12:53:07 PM »
 ngc3 73cv.2 ngc3 73cv.2
Wow another cnn viewer with warped views
If theses deaths are underroported
Why are these bonafied Drs so upset about
Being ordered to tag All deaths COVID?


Black lives matter? WTF
I was taught all lives matter!
Especially the lives of us rednecks
And our Horsez!!


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2020, 12:57:05 PM »
Short testin. Me ZIP has 482 tested with 206 testin POS. I went out this morning at 6 to shop. Dancing around with a hot chick in aisles. You go,know you go. Went to check out and went to self serve. The fuckin thin was ruinin me. Cashed out on some grocerys and decided to run thru teller. The hot chick in front of me. She says SIR you can go in front if you want. She had 2 gocery carts loaded. I said that's OK. A teller says what you doin you was at fast serve. I says the computer on the fuckin thin says I FUCKED UP. She goes lets go back. I did not want to be rude to her. Could you please stand 30 feet away from me. Checked everythin out and said WHAT TIME is IT. Need to come back in and buy me some beer. She went it 7:01 and you can purchase. Went back to buy and ended up spendin a hour and 10 in the god damn place. DID BAD TOE BOY come back from his HELI trip to DAVID. Can't wait to see DRAFT DODGER with his new facial makeover.

Bernie Madoff

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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2020, 01:03:33 PM »
I think you are the only living person who drinks 24 hours a day.
He who laughs last, laughs best.


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2020, 01:16:41 PM »
Wutz wrong wit dat?  11.chrz 74zac.1
Black lives matter? WTF
I was taught all lives matter!
Especially the lives of us rednecks
And our Horsez!!


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Re: America will wake up
« Reply #59 on: May 04, 2020, 01:35:48 PM »
Another thing. I gots 3 super rolls of toilet left. So'S I purchase a 12 pack which I put underneath of cart. The bitch goes: did you check that out. I explains. Yes I did and put back underneath. She gotts to check me receipt. I wanted to tell her I'VE been arrested 29 times but never for shoppliftin. Mine are a little more SERIOUS. And JOHN FRANK ARMY will say this: I do not own any RIFLES,REVOLVERS. Me last was 50 years ago. I do own 2 JIM BOWIE knieves.
I went out past SATURDAY to pic up some beer and a pack of CIGS. I only go to one place that a little removed. People inside have a plastic up to scan and they inside of that wear masks and change plastic gloves on every purchase. You suppossied to wear masks when one goes in. So'S outside is a group of BIKERS wearin colors. They waltzin in and out without anything. They wearin their stupid black jacket with colors on back. VIETNAMMMENSE. Tiny SHIT say's to me. Why you wearin mask and gloves. JOHN FRANK ARMY say's. I fought in your country years ago. You fucks would not even be here except your GRANDPA took your MOTHER and US let them leave with all the fuckin money in SOUTH VIET. KMOW'S I'M drawin attention with this RAT PACK. I tells them: YOU little SHITS parents should have been ELIMINATED years ago and you tough fucs that you think you is would never EXIST. And I tells them ALL. YOU here because of me and others that fought for you SHIT BRAINS. DO NOT ever FUC with ME. They went back to their MOOOOTTERRRCYCLES .


shout out

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