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I honestly didn't think he should have been driving the horse going for that much money but he did everything right.
What's this I hear that they let a horse with strangles in to the barn.
There are 300 stalls at that training centre and I don't believe he owns that facility he just stables and trains there.
Imagine paying these crazy high training bills, only to have "Amy", "Johnny", "Cole" & a host of others who have little to no experience- be the ones to train your yearling down. I know in big barns- the head trainer doesn't go with each one all the time but for the love of god- get some quality help. His wife fcks every yearling she ever goes with. "This is Amys favorite, she gets along really good with this one" = the horse ends up not racing 2 y.o season. Amy says: "Its not fair I have a trotter going a set with pacers"= Amy you are not driving a go-kart, try to tone it down. They aren't your horses- try to train them down appropriately or GTFO the horse. "Johnny really likes this one" = His brother is the guy who lost his phone & let Casies texts come out about "DaShit", the guy has a head like a drive in movie screen & is now listed on Casies horses. Casie whined & packed up early & changed her tune re: BettingLine. They skimp on everything for the horses & the vet is giving them kickbacks on all the medication and work (I know this for fact). THEY AREN"T CHEAP on BUYING everything brand name for the kids/themselves, cars/trailers/house/trucks. When their stable is BLEEDING money each and every year. Soon the bottom will fall out of this, look @ their 100K Canadian Mrs.Merangue (he obv feels she isn't much stock at all, given her racing and how he talked about her in person, wait for the flop on "3pointBlueChip" (it was bought on a deal with Mr.Grossman- not even close to being paid for yet, 3points bills are going to be skyhigh this year too, he needs to send that to a real trainer ASAP)
Takes a real scumbag to judge people on what they spend money on in their personal lives their vehicles are both at least 4 years old trailer is old try worrying about yourself this holiday season ✌️