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Look at crowd pictures.... most EVERYONE is masked because of Kung Flu genius! Also 80% of protesters are white... because it's fucking Minnesota! And yes, a large number of people do tote backpacks full of water bottles, weed, Frisbees, and other essential protesting supplies because to the snowflake millennial crowd "protests" are as much a virtue signalling party as they are about an issue.You make no case here.
Most people have been in isolation or stuck with family 24 hours a day for the past 10 weeks. Tensions were high. Something like this was bound to happen. If it wasn't George Floyd it would have been something else. The protesters have had 4 days to do their thing and for the most part cops have stood by and let them. I have no problem with peaceful protests. But I watched as a bunch of thugs busted into the state house in Columbus while our cops were told to stand down. Now the police have reached their limit. They are going to snap and this is going to get a lot uglier real soon if something isn't done. We had a curfew in Columbus last night. The peaceful protesters left before it went into effect. Then the thugs came out. I say bring in the military and do a good cleaning.
I thought forces did well to control crowds and not use deadly force once. If anything, protesters on front lines enjoyed assaulting the cops when possible. If we are to believe the average white kid protester, they want change, not violence. Mix in several homeboys in masks, smashing windows and looting, along with the white kids...and then you DO have a mess.
I was in downtown columbus on friday for some business. There were many peaceful protesters. But there were some that were right up in the cops faces screaming threatening and racist shit and the cops just had to stand there and keep their mouths closed. I couldn't do it. And most of these guys won't be able to much longer either. Whst happened to george floyd was horrific. But most of the looters and violence inciters are just taking advantage of the situation and couldn't care less about floyd or any other racial problem