I have saying this for years. The scope of the NYS Sire Stakes is to promote and reward breeders and owners and horsemen for breeding and racing in NY State.
I have long contested the basic scope of this program has been undermined by the power of the overnight racing interest.
By increasing the % of slot revenue to the NYSS and HH Breeders by 100% it would give the greatest chance for financial success to the group the legislation was written for; the benefit of state agriculture and horse breeders and owners by, racing in restricted events.
Clearly, as the number of foals bred in the past years has been flat if not decreasing, it is evident the program has run afoul.
If you watch Yonkers Raceway now or before the pandemic, you will see on average 3 horses in an 8 horse field were not even bred or born in the USA, let alone New York. And, in the hire classes, it is not uncommon to see 5 or more bred and raised outside of New York.
So, who is the greatest benefactor of this NY State tax payer funded program? Australia, New Zealand and late to the party is England and Ireland.
With the devastation of Covid and casino closures, now is the time to revisit these dysfunctional agreements if there is to be any future in breeding and racing in New York.