backinblack hillbilly I'm not but some on here act the part. If you had followed what I said I got out mid 80's and "IF" they could rid the game of the scum then I would get back in. And there is the catch the scum is so deep rooted there is no tomorrow or future.
You got out? Or did you quit because you couldn’t compete?
I once was told winners talking about winning
And losers talk about winners. Nothing is easy iceman when you can’t compete you get a few options get out or figure out how to compete. Sure there are cheaters in every sport, and most that win are called cheaters because you can’t beat them. Some have more $$$$ some have better horses that’s the fact jack. And some even have an edge but I never heard of a athlete quit basketball because the other team had taller guys or a baseball player quit because the other team had a better player on it. Or a football player not play because the other team was 30 point favorite. They don’t line up 20 horses in the derby because they have one or two good ones in there. So don’t give us this shit I got out because of cheaters!