You all know what that means. I can give to others but I must get O-NEG.
Studies have now shown that O blood people are less to catch virus and less likely to croak. I knew this from a couple months ago,but now bein confirmed.
MEMBER that time in BASIC in 1968. We all in for maybe 10 days. You all member as JOHN FRANK ARMY posted before.
Had close to a hundred sitting in a steamy hot room. By the way. There never any air conditioning or fans. The objective was to get DRAFTEES to up for more years promising a lush job that would not involve front line combat. So'S they show films of dead soldiers in VIET NAM. NASTY. Soldiers blown apart and de-capitated. FUCKIN BRUTAL.
DRILLS say,do you want to end up like this. Guys start goin to other room to re-enlist. Goes from a hundred down to a last 5. Me bud,GREG, from CARPENTERSVILLE who I sittin next to goes:JOHN I recently married and have a young baby. I should up. I say's GREG do not give in. We here for 2 years and NO MORE. There 5 left. We not given in.
The DRILLS realize this.
JOHN FRANK ARMY was likin this SHIT goin on. The DRILLS were passin out candy bars and pepsi's and were so nice. JOHN FRANK ARMY thought this ARMY is great. Until one DRILL comes up while I'M havin a nice swig of me pepsi. He belts the can out of me mouth while I'M tryin to enjoy. Then all the DRILLS go bezerk. Callin us 5 the most digustin shit. Made us go outside and try to do 100 push-ups with one foot on are backs. FUCKIN BRUTAL. Then I get signaled out,by DRILLS. YOU motherfuckin FUC. Your O-NEG ain't you. JOHN FRANK ARMY says let me look at me tags. The drill kicks JOHN FRANK ARMY hard. You going to DRACULLA. HUH,WHAT.
That FUC DR. drained me of practically all me blood. He goes here some RITZE crackers and know go back to your unit. I'M young but I'M exhausted. I stumples back to barrecks. First thin,JOHN FRANK ARMY said to me bunk mate FRALEY. WHAT the FUC did you re-up for for more years. He goes,PARACHUTIN packin school. That should help when you eventually leave service.
And that was the start of JOHN FRANK ARMY in ARMY. He was a rebellious fuc. As bad a fuc he was,ARMY considered him a great risk. They gave him,TOP SECRET,TOP SECURITY. They knew I GOOD. AND I always was.