Can’t put all the blame on track guys. Equipment is horrible grader broke while clearing snow. Rigged it back together but couldn’t get the job done properly with crap equipment
Instead of blame, here's some facts. Whoever called the shots, they didn't even begin to clear the snow until Friday. Rule #1 known by any trackman with 10% of a clue knows you get the snow off before it starts to melt and gets down to the surface or worse, into the base. Strike one. Secondly, their new trackman when hired by Historic Track only experience with horses was with hunter/jumpers, had ZERO experience with Standardbreds and even less when it comes to maintaining a training/racetrack. Yet, ran around on a golf cart for a few years telling people how brilliant he is. Let's just say since he's officially on as new trackman at YR, three cards slated and three cards canceled. Let's hope he doesn't go 4 for 4. Facts.