theres reallly only 5 drivers you can bet
the others beat you
move on to the next race,,
..trace will drive every top horse in a race,,they dont challenge him during the race so he runs the show
sammy will drive all of culliphers,,sammy is like chicken stew sometimes you get the chicken and sometimes you get stewed..
delong needs to be better then the feild by 3 lengths to win has bad habits of tuckin on the rail to much and i just dont bet him,.
oosting,,patient driver wins with good horses usually
ricky ,drives only for wife and burke mostly
bates .. not patient driver lots of mistakes usually over drives them
putnam,,good young driver learning but gets alot of bad horses to drive
lewayne ,,good driver .patient driver can make money betting him
kyle wilfong ,,unbetable even in 1 horse race
peter wrenn..drives and traines his own watch the tote board