Author Topic: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks  (Read 12808 times)

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The horses competing at Delaware Fair 09/23/21 had too much juice in them. The amount exceeded the Regulatory Threshold. Both are appealing the ruling. Wouldn't they have sent a sample of the blood  to their own lab  by now?  I guess they are hoping a retest shows a lower amount and acceptable amount in the blood. We will see?  Big bucks at stake though,  $43,000.00  and $23,000.00. Wonder if they have a chance of reversal?  I did not think Julie was like that. Maybe the lab made a mistake.

silent one

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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2021, 06:58:20 PM »
The horses competing at Delaware Fair 09/23/21 had too much juice in them. The amount exceeded the Regulatory Threshold. Both are appealing the ruling. Wouldn't they have sent a sample of the blood  to their own lab  by now?  I guess they are hoping a retest shows a lower amount and acceptable amount in the blood. We will see?  Big bucks at stake though,  $43,000.00  and $23,000.00. Wonder if they have a chance of reversal?  I did not think Julie was like that. Maybe the lab made a mistake.

                            I did not think Julie was like that. Maybe the lab made a mistake.

   ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc

      The only mistake the lab may have made, was that they under reported the dosage. JEFF GURAL'S EMPLOYEE caught yet again. Another environmental contamination excuse on the way? I have said this from day one, if they didn't have chemically enhanced horses, the Miller's would be homeless. By the way, if you look at the next ruling, Payton Ode got caught using the same drug as Julie Miller. Granted his test was higher than hers, but he gets a 30 day suspension, the glaucine queen just gets a $1,000 fine?

     Sincerely, Silent One


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2021, 07:49:48 AM »
The real issue here is the drug regulatory committee that runs the allowable medications and withdrawal times. It's all made up by the phoney ARCI commission. They won't tell you the science behind the limits and withdrawal times because they just make everything up as they go along. Here is the rule right from their website.
Harness Racing Only.
5 picograms per milliliter
of plasma or serum
72 hours
Intramuscular and intravenous
administration of
dexamethasone sodium
phosphate or oral
administration of
dexamethasone at
0.05milligrams per kilogram
regardless of route
RMTC study
Applicable analyte is
dexamethasone in
plasma or serum.
They catch people on allowable (Class 4) medications and never catch anyone using epogen, Soda, or anything that finds the real drugs like the ones all the trainers at Yonkers were finally caught using thanks to the FBI. The ARCI is a joke. Can't wait for them to be out of business and the Fed's take over. Can't happen soon enough. Good Riddins


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2021, 10:24:59 AM »
They just got caught not the first and wonīt be the last.


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2021, 12:27:31 PM »
The real issue here is the drug regulatory committee that runs the allowable medications and withdrawal times. It's all made up by the phoney ARCI commission. They won't tell you the science behind the limits and withdrawal times because they just make everything up as they go along. Here is the rule right from their website.
Harness Racing Only.
5 picograms per milliliter
of plasma or serum
72 hours
Intramuscular and intravenous
administration of
dexamethasone sodium
phosphate or oral
administration of
dexamethasone at
0.05milligrams per kilogram
regardless of route
RMTC study
Applicable analyte is
dexamethasone in
plasma or serum.
They catch people on allowable (Class 4) medications and never catch anyone using epogen, Soda, or anything that finds the real drugs like the ones all the trainers at Yonkers were finally caught using thanks to the FBI. The ARCI is a joke. Can't wait for them to be out of business and the Fed's take over. Can't happen soon enough. Good Riddins
Fully agree--the line between real cheaters-and those innocently falling amiss to overzealous drug level enforcemnt-needs to be addressed.
The problem in racing which seems to fly over everyones head is HOW ON EARTH ARE THESE MEDICATIONS CLASSIFIED??
Are they peer reviewed??  Shouldnt the obvious be that ANY MEDICATION PROVEN (I repeat proven)TO AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF A RACE-be of prime importance?? Not just based on opinions or a alab with equipment so advanced that it can detect a drug from when you were a baby?
Here we have a medication of dexamethasone when found at a concentration greater than 5pg/ml-results in a positive.
Let examine this.
1 picrogram is ONE TRILLIONTH OF A GRAM--that is a 1 with 12- zeros behind it.
If you gave a horse a dose of 10ml dexamethazone-that would be 20 mg--or 1/50th of a gram or 2x10with 10 zeros behind it=20 billion picrograms.
A horse has around 30 litres of blood-=30,000ml-so each ml has about 3/4 million PICROGRAMS!at start.
Thanks to modern technolgy with testing ability to find levels that would not affect a little mouse-let alone a horse-levels incredibly low and with no effect on the performance of a horse can result in serious loss of money,reputation ,and suspension.
Now  in the case of julie Miller-her horse had 68pg/ml/--not 3/4 Million at the onset which would affect the horse.
So it seems logical that for the levels to have gone down from 3/4 million pg/ml to 68pg/ml-it had to be given a long way out from the race.
At least the required 3 days-and 68pg/ml of this medication would not and cannot affect a horses performance..
Now individuals vary in retention times--but to suspend and sully a trainer for this incredibly low amount is ridiculous--and how the administrators in Sport get away with this is problematic-and the public now doesnt know the difference between a real cheat-and someone who played by the rules but  is a victim of ridiculously low standards with regards to medication.
Reviews by knowlegable people who can appreciate when a drug or medication is actually affecting performance--should be instituted as fast as possible.


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2021, 12:32:09 PM »
Great post Bond.


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2021, 01:11:49 PM »
Thanks Bond. I feel that you fully understand the process. The ARCI is setting people up to fail with their ridiculous medication rules. Every week we see dexamethasone positive's along with Robaxin (Methocarbamol) which in most cases is administered by a vet. (At least in our barn). The vet tells you the wait time which I double because I don't trust the ARCI, and people are still getting in trouble. I for one don't think that Julie Miller is not stupid enough to use something that will cost her a fine and suspension. Where does trainer responsibilty end and veterinarian responsibilty start? The real shame in all this is that I spoke to one of the scientist that worked for and set up the allowable medications and withdrawal times for the ARCI and what he told me was a total shock. He recommended the the allowable level for robaxin (Methocarbamol) be set at 2000 picograms. Then the state of Pennsylvania told the ARCI that they could detect it at 1 picogram and wanted the level for penalty set at 1 picogram and thats what the ARCI did with no science involved, they just wanted the financial support from the state. Just to be clear I'm the first one in line to support the idea of clean racing as my horses would do better not having to race against whatever it is that trainers use to cheat.  If they don't want trainers to use anything, then just make that the rule. These class 4 medications are used to help horses get over sickness and soundness issues, not make them superstars. It is the trainers responsibilty to have a horse sound and at their best on race day otherwise we are just defrauding the public. The system is backwards for sure.


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2021, 05:09:11 AM »
Stand Forever.. do you actually own or train race horses?

Brown jug

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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2021, 08:14:49 AM »
great info guys
i agree that there needs to be distinction between some of these penalties
are ARCI suggesting these kinds of penalties are the same as what surrick and oakes were doing, please not even close
just a question, the scenario you provide sounds similar to what baffart is claiming, not trying to support baffart who seems to be on the edge but ??


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2021, 09:10:54 AM »
Brown Jug.... The penalties are more severe for Class 1, 2, and 3, medications then they are for Class 4 therapeutic medications. I think that Baffert was fined and suspended for Betamethasone which is a class 4 medication. The vet's use that medication when they inject a horses joint for inflammation. The fact that the drug manufacturer admitted that the drug could show up in a test for longer than 7 days (Which is the guidance wait time for withdrawal from the ARCI) is a problem for every trainer. The vet says wait 7 days, you do and you still get in trouble? What kind of guidance is that? Even the ARCI says it could last 30 days or more if the betamethasone gets into any muscle or tissue. Like I said earlier, the system is rigged against the trainers who follow the rules. The trainers that were caught that you mentioned (Surick, Allard, Etc..) weren't caught by anything that the ARCI is doing. They were caught by the FBI. They actually have testing that really works unlike the ARCI.     


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2021, 11:04:51 AM »
great info guys
i agree that there needs to be distinction between some of these penalties
are ARCI suggesting these kinds of penalties are the same as what surrick and oakes were doing, please not even close
just a question, the scenario you provide sounds similar to what baffart is claiming, not trying to support baffart who seems to be on the edge but ??
Exactly Brown Jug.  Therapeutic medications should not result in severe penalties-or penalties costing thousands of dollars and suspensions.
Your question on Baffert--here is my answer
Baffert had 17 pg/ml of betamathasone.
The horse has 30,000ml of blood so that would equal 510,000 picrograms total. This is 0.0005mg of Betamethasone horse had in his system at time of event..
The doasage for Betamethasone is 9mg in a horse.
See the difference?? 9mg vs 0.0005mg ---its humungous and suggests the therapeutc value had long since worn off.
Giving 0.0005mg of Betamethasone- that amount would not affect a tiny mouse let alone a horse.
To take the Kentucky Derby off Baffert--or Suspend Baffert racing ANY of his horses in New York-IMHO is nonsensical and to let the public believe that the horse was "DOPED" in my opinion is criminal,sickening,and contrary to everything that honest trainers strive for.
Now take Surick and the other criminals medication violations.
They were strictly using performance enhancers like EPO and the like. Drugs that should not be in a horse at any time at ANY level.
THAT is what needs to be addressed and those using them held accountable.
Therapeutic drugs should never result in loss of purse or prizemeony--but instead fines--increasing with repeat offenses.
Overzealous Laboratories and their directors- are guilty of bringing the game into disrepute just as much as the cheats.
The effect of severe penalties for therapeutic drugs--only makes the Chemical trainers-search for and use drugs that are not detectable and there are many.The honest trainers are left with using 0-while the cheaters use a plethora of illegal medications.


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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2021, 01:35:29 PM »
Now we are going to judge who is cheating and which cheating is acceptable. So the Millers etc are being treated the same as Oakes and Surrick, I donīt think so, Oakes and company are going to jail and loosing all the money, Millers etc, have to give the purse back. Think they get off easy

Brown jug

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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2021, 03:33:25 PM »
thank you bond and horsepower
i have learned something useful on horseplop
who knew??!!
jupiter, i suggest you review some of the posts by the two noted above and you will understand the difference

Stan durbread

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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2021, 11:12:27 AM »
Exactly Brown Jug.  Therapeutic medications should not result in severe penalties-or penalties costing thousands of dollars and suspensions.
Your question on Baffert--here is my answer
Baffert had 17 pg/ml of betamathasone.
The horse has 30,000ml of blood so that would equal 510,000 picrograms total. This is 0.0005mg of Betamethasone horse had in his system at time of event..
The doasage for Betamethasone is 9mg in a horse.
See the difference?? 9mg vs 0.0005mg ---its humungous and suggests the therapeutc value had long since worn off.
Giving 0.0005mg of Betamethasone- that amount would not affect a tiny mouse let alone a horse.
To take the Kentucky Derby off Baffert--or Suspend Baffert racing ANY of his horses in New York-IMHO is nonsensical and to let the public believe that the horse was "DOPED" in my opinion is criminal,sickening,and contrary to everything that honest trainers strive for.
Now take Surick and the other criminals medication violations.
They were strictly using performance enhancers like EPO and the like. Drugs that should not be in a horse at any time at ANY level.
THAT is what needs to be addressed and those using them held accountable.
Therapeutic drugs should never result in loss of purse or prizemeony--but instead fines--increasing with repeat offenses.
Overzealous Laboratories and their directors- are guilty of bringing the game into disrepute just as much as the cheats.
The effect of severe penalties for therapeutic drugs--only makes the Chemical trainers-search for and use drugs that are not detectable and there are many.The honest trainers are left with using 0-while the cheaters use a plethora of illegal medications.

Your logic is horribly flawed. The horse tested at 17Pg/Ml. Based on your theory of 30,000 Ml in a horse the total level would be 510,000 Pg in the horses system

Stan durbread

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Re: Julie Miller and Ake Svanstedt Order To Return Purse Money / Big Bucks
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2021, 11:13:36 AM »
Besides what is in the muscles fat etc


shout out

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