You make an interesting point, Ice'. The purchase of over achieving, drug induced racing and breeding stock. Let's not make the mistake of Al Crawford being gullible or duped. He grew up in this business. He saw what it took to breed sell and race. His parents we heavily involved in the New York breeders program. Al, himself is a highly celebrated and successful businessman in the world of risk management.
Purchasing broodmares with incredible race track performance is not indicative of a successful broodmare. There is dozens of generations and a hundred years of data to prove this concept. Off course there is desire to please your lady goes back to Adam and Eve. But, most of these purchases smacks squarely in the face of what made him millions of dollars hundreds of times over.
I will never believe this self made multi millionaire had no clue changing trainers Oaks, Nicky the Rat and Navarro and seeing eye popping transformations from also rans to world record holders was not based on PEDs.
So, yes, a pivot in their business model is in order. I hope they can continue to cleanse their stock and program. They are a major investor in harness racing. People with generations of commitment. Then again; you live by the sword, you die by the sword.