Trumps last year dealt with a pandemic that shut down the economy. Fact!.
Biden takes over and two weeks later a vaccine is announced by Pfizer and then Moderna. Fact
Biden rolls into Jan 2021 with two vaccines and a third two months later by JnJ. Fact.
Biden admin passes 2.9T stimulus bill. FED still buying 230abln a month adding the continuation of liquidity into the stock market...don't fight the Fed. Fact.
Biden stimulus plan still giving 300 a week over unemployment aiding the new retail group of traders. 20mln that started during covid lockdowns. Fueling more money into stocks and crypto.
So yes the fucking market should have rallied you dead stinky Fish! You forgot to label all the facts to why when printed money to the tune of 6T in 2021 alone by the WH and Fed. You are really one dumb SOB! Which was great times pulling in all that cash trading and then hitting the beginning of a commodity super cycle which I gave you. Now I just took more doe from GME, HYMC, and AMC. Looking for the next move and that will be put spreads to the downside. Party is over.
Let's see where those figures end in 2022. And end in 2023? The taper will start, free money is over, rate hikes, short term rates now over long term rates, mortgage rates nearing 5%. Slowdown is coming but job market still getting back THOSE LOST JOBS OF THE SHUTDOWN. Not NEW jobs created by buffoon Biden.
Your a treat to debate as you leave out all the facts to why? What a idiot. FISH! Stinky Terry from BTW YOUR SO EASY!