Author Topic: so's XI wants to fuc with UNCLE SAM militarily.  (Read 2889 times)

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so's XI wants to fuc with UNCLE SAM militarily.
« on: August 04, 2022, 03:54:18 PM »
FUCKIN with TAWAIN. Flyin over Territorial AIR SPACE,Shootin rockets over Territorial AIR SPACE,sendin warships into territorial waters,VIOLATIN all TERMS. LOOKIN for trouble and think they intimadating and gettin their way. Practicing blockade.
(1) JOHN FRANK ARMY members these shits in VIET. Supplyin the NVR and CONG especially thru the LAOS and CAMBODIA trail. The chinnese fucs are lookin for it. The only thin they good for is inventin LO-MEIN.
(2) UNC will never let TAWAIN go down. Neither will JAPAN. FUC RUSSIA who killed most me ancestors and FUC CHINA. That war ended 1945. And if it was not for USA and the STUPITY of JAPAN,CHINA would now be part of JAPLAND.
(3) One last thin. VIET. John FRANK ARMY still disgusted by how the SOUTH VIET royallity escaped with the National treasury and their offspring live in VEGAS and play poker. I lived there some years back and went back on occasion. Got no reason to go back,but I'D CLOCK them SCUM MOTHERS.


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Re: so's XI wants to fuc with UNCLE SAM militarily.
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2022, 08:47:20 PM »
John what's your thoughts on this basketball player sentenced to 9 years in Russian prison


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Re: so's XI wants to fuc with UNCLE SAM militarily.
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2022, 03:03:33 PM »
Thanks for askin EPM.
(1) I think the sentence is a bit extreme,but she do need to serve time. She knew what she was doin.
(2) She knows Russian drug rules havin played there for 3 seasons. Her excuse she packed quik and did not know hash vials in luggage is BS. I meen do she have so much stash that she forgets where it all is. Then her lawlers makin and changin she need hash for medical reasons. That argument a little to late and that ain't RUSSIAN LAW.
(3) And she puts USA and BIDEN administration in tough position. With pressue to trade for her like a women basketball deal. This ain't like POWERS who shot down in spy plane. Give up a dangerous arms dealer because of her STUUUPIITY.
(4) I'll add another point. I stumpled across the IDIOT DRAFT DODGER last night addressin the CPAC. Amongst many thins the TWISTED FUC had to say: I asked XI how come you don't have a DRUG PROBLEM in your country? BAD TOE lamebrain says XI told him,We EXECUTED all drug users and distributors after a 1 day trial and they executed next day. Since most FENTENAL comes from CHINA,why not DRAFT DODGER ask XI why he not been executed himself. Instead the CRAZY FUC goes on a RANT that MANY MANY countries execute USERS and dealers,then goes on to say that if he were PRESIDENT He would implement order to EXECUTE. Maybe he should have done that with METH SON DONALD JR.
(5)In answer to your question EPM.I hope GREINER ROTS in JAIL. Think of all POW'S and then start cryin for GREINER'S WIFE.


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Re: so's XI wants to fuc with UNCLE SAM militarily.
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2022, 03:21:15 PM »
One last thin. Her DUMPASS will most likely turn into a fortune for her. When she released and sent back to USA,she will have her choice of signin a book deal. LIVE happily ever after. And RUSSSIIIAA ain't gonna treat her with TORTURE like GULAGG. She gonna be fine and RICH. Tell that to her wife.


shout out

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