Author Topic: Poor mike ratrelli  (Read 4758 times)

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Poor mike ratrelli
« on: November 27, 2022, 09:49:52 AM »
Poor guy was told to go fuck himself by a few people in the harness racing Industry and instead of taking it like a man he decides to go to the other side and attempt to pull all sorts of funding from the sport as a whole

The cheats got caught and are going to spend their time in  91.jzail that's great and as it should be,  but now mike has some far flung ideas that he will become the sports investigator  and that when one of his spies is told something,like he saw someone tubing some other organization is supposed to immediately suspend the guys license.  Mike forgets there is something called due process and heresay is not grounds for action. A person has his right to a trial where evidence is presented  and a jury of ones peers makes the decision  not some some individual  such as the ustrThat is what we have racing commissions  for. For both sides to present   evidence and them to decide.  It is a slow process as it should  be. No rushes to judgment.  Harness racing is not Sears  and contracts are in place thru negotiation.
Mike must be the black sheep  of his family and prolly isn't invited to family functions for good reason as he is embarrassment to being a man

Dr. Adam Freeham

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2022, 08:14:16 AM »
Watched his latest videos and the hatred this man has is not healthy. Shut e everything down due to the actions of a few,telling regulatory organization's such as the ustr they must become penalty fishing out groups is insane. States and only states have the power to penalize individuals the stuff that the FBI has uncovered is way beyond their jurisdiction  and unless they become nazi spies they never will uncover dirt like this

So let's pull all the funding  from racing due to that that is way beyond the current scope of racings jurisprudence  is just downright cruel.all the testing in poughkeepsie  wouldn't catch this type  of crime.  Mike should seek some mental health for the anger in his head. It cant be healthy.


Uncle Harry

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2022, 10:01:29 AM »
One word describes mike and his efforts



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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2022, 12:31:16 PM »
He must be on drugs himself...

Exit 16W

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2022, 12:49:48 PM »
Mike can GSAC

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2022, 02:59:27 PM »
His family is doing the same shit and he doesn't have an axe to grind against them.  It's been about his grudge with Goshen Track and Mark Ford from day one.  Then he got this genius idea to take in rescue horses with dreams of handouts.  Tough break shopping cart Mike! 


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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2022, 03:45:46 PM »
Poor guy was told to go fuck himself by a few people in the harness racing Industry and instead of taking it like a man he decides to go to the other side and attempt to pull all sorts of funding from the sport as a whole

The cheats got caught and are going to spend their time in  91.jzail that's great and as it should be,  but now mike has some far flung ideas that he will become the sports investigator  and that when one of his spies is told something,like he saw someone tubing some other organization is supposed to immediately suspend the guys license.  Mike forgets there is something called due process and heresay is not grounds for action. A person has his right to a trial where evidence is presented  and a jury of ones peers makes the decision  not some some individual  such as the ustrThat is what we have racing commissions  for. For both sides to present   evidence and them to decide.  It is a slow process as it should  be. No rushes to judgment.  Harness racing is not Sears  and contracts are in place thru negotiation.
Mike must be the black sheep  of his family and prolly isn't invited to family functions for good reason as he is embarrassment to being a man
Just to clarify, when you say, "the cheats got caught", you do so with the understanding that probably 1% have been caught, right?

Back In the Day

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2022, 04:18:34 PM »
I realize you are an idiot that's  undisputed   the issue the FBI uncovered was very unique and they have been caught  and dealt with. Your mom prolly was a cheat also and did she get caught?

Dick from Dayton

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2022, 12:02:30 AM »
Hey asshole,fuckwad,petrello. Speak for your own dirty state of harness racing,don't lump filthy New York and all its mob connected guidos to racing here in Indiana and ohio. The breeding industry for Standardbred horses is big business not full of low life new Yorkers so talk about your own kind leave the midwest out of your now personal rants


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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2022, 03:39:35 AM »
Mike is the king of gaslighting the public to show his hatred and jealousy of mark Ford and New York York racing authority. Peta owns squat so they exaggerate to get POINTS  ACROSS AND USE TOOLS  LIKE MIKE TO GETPOINTS ACROSS. AND HE IS SO GULLIBLE

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2022, 09:03:17 AM »
Mike is the typical moron that thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.  If he was that smart his situation would be a little better.  But instead he blames everyone else for his issues.  Fact is, he'd still have a job if he would've just quit running his mouth.  Now he blames everyone for him getting tossed.


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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2022, 09:29:25 AM »
Mike is the typical moron that thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.  If he was that smart his situation would be a little better.  But instead he blames everyone else for his issues.  Fact is, he'd still have a job if he would've just quit running his mouth.  Now he blames everyone for him getting tossed.

You got it. He blames everyone else. It's never him and being angry at everything and everybody doesn't help.
Now he will call us pussies and say we are hiding behind our computers. I am in Goshen once a week and I eat lunch at the Goshen Diner. Should I sit with a sign saying Superfecta. I don't have anything to say to this guy and I don't need his company at my table and I don't have any reason to drop the gloves. I don't go on Facebook or you tube begging for attention. That's not me.

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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2022, 10:14:30 AM »
In SCM's latest video, who do we think he's talking about?  I'm thinking he is defending "innocent" Dowse and he's mad Doug Berkeley is allowed to race.  I could be way off, just my guess.  But why does he think he is so important?  He's a complete joke!


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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2022, 10:21:32 AM »
In SCM's latest video, who do we think he's talking about?  I'm thinking he is defending "innocent" Dowse and he's mad Doug Berkeley is allowed to race.  I could be way off, just my guess.  But why does he think he is so important?  He's a complete joke!

i got a better question

why do u guys even fckin reply to his bullshit and nonsense

or give him and crediblity..eggno re his post and his utube crap ,,his goes away

a fckin bustout  ,,clearly mad cus his broke



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Re: Poor mike ratrelli
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2022, 10:22:10 AM »
I finally got Mike to take my call.

I advised him to shift his focus away from trying to break old news as if he's Wolf Blitzer.

I further counseled him to attack the Shameless Welfare attached to the industry which benefits all horse people.

I told him to use the angle that honest people will rise up simply to protect the welfare they currently grift from the public.

IDK if it will work.

Maybe Mike's not the best messenger


shout out

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