JOHN FRANK ARMY needs to CHIME in. And that ain't build your CREDIT CARD.
SO'S that CHURCH was empty. No GEORGE FLOYD attendance there. And I and everyone had heard the same old song EULOGY'S.
ANDS that LAWLER,whatever he be named in the fight for JUSTICE orss whatever he gonna make off lawsuits,seemed really concerned about eulogys as he movin people around to position for next. I doeess agre the young man was done wrong. Seemed hard workin,and did not deserve the beatin he endured. But why low attendance. The FENTENALE KING GEORGE was EULOGIZED as a SAINT. The country fell in love with him. Even though it proven he a constant DRUG BOY,WIFE BEATER, and ARMED ROBBER. It was nice to see back then,that the EX showed up so she could collect RANSOM money and say what a SWEET GUY he was. Enough on this,I'sss got other thins to say.
SO'S I have already forgotton he name. DROPS dead on MONDAY night football. No more game. GAME cancelled. Yes he recovers. So'S how about PEPPLE BEACH golf tourney FRIDAY. A caddy drops dead on GREEN and has to be revived. Taken to local hospital not knowin if DEAD OR ALIVE. And the PGA goes. This a irrelevant FUC. We will continue play.
I'SS want to say sumthin else. Years ago as a KID I was a big CUB FAN. They were total LOSERS every year. But ERNIE BANKS on SHIT teams won MVP in NATIONAL LEAQUE in 58 and 59. When me in grade school I used to run home to catch 7th innin and later on WGN. ERNIE me IDOL. Me a WHITE BOY. I'D get home and turn on TV. I would imitate his battin stance and twigglee fingers when he up. And then he would hit a HOME RUN and I thought it because of me. As years progressed I became preety good as a 16 inch softball player.
So when me SOFTBALL career was comin to a end and I played for 22 years,there was a tourney in GRANT PARK sponsered by BUDWEISER. ERNIE ERNIE was a REP for them and he gonna be the GUEST that day. Part of ENTRY fee was 3 free cases of BUD for each team. We lost our first game. Single elimination and we out. So's we decide to drink all BUDS. Me wife ANDREA a big CUB FAN. Over the years probably went to 100 games. She goes get me ERNIE"S autograph when he shows. Here comes ERNIE. I might add,DEAD DRUNK. So's were a lot of players. So's me wife had givin me a CUB'S pennent to sign. I goes and he done it gratiously. I's go back to drink more BUD. Then walks up a elderly lady in a walker,probably mid 80's. She asks me if I can get ERNIE'S autograph for her. I say's no problem,you got anythin he can sign. She says no. So's I reap of part of cardboard case of one 24's we drinkin. I'ss go back to ERNIE. He goes: I member you. I already autographed. I explains it for a elderly who can't make walk down hill. He tells me FUC OFF. I'M 39 at time and should no better. I say's to him. YOU FUCKIN POS. I returned to the disabled older women. Told her ERNIE,had to stop signin for a while. Gave her the signed pennant. She was so happy. Andrea understood.
5 years later ERNIE came to a BAR 2 blocks from me. BUD sponsered again. He was so drunk he could not stand. And this was my HERO as a young KID. And then later I'SS found out he HATED first wife and all his KIDS. Never ever talked to them. Left everythin to second wife. He had nothin left anyhow. BANKS TO BAKER to FONDEE.
DAYS long gone.
Me point is. Can't people go silently. CREAMATE and move on. Why all this elaborate BS only for sensationlism and money suit payoffs.