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The stupid FUC shows the DERAILMENT and then how the WRECK efected the local envirionment river,whever the FUC that located. And 5 times he shows 2 small fish and a small frog all 3 deceased. THE FUCKED UP NUT then needs to come with his camera's to me CARPENTERSVILLE,ILLINOIS DAM. Their a backup there and one can see 20 dead fish. CALL OUT the ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY. FISH are dyin in C'VILLE .THE STUPID FUC who not a COLLEGE GRAD I MIGHT ADD and NEVER SERVED needs a NURSE RATCHET to call a LOBOTOMY on the SIC FUC.
i can"t see. bUT i'SS REALLY CAN. Watch GUT on the 5. I'ss yooouse to do COKE after me left SERVICE. I quit at 29. That 47 years ago. But I know when I did and also sold. Look at your boy you like. Pay ATTENTION: because I DO. ON the 5. Pay attention to his feeetsies. No one else on set does this. His foot non-stop shakin back and forth. He either does alot of coffee or best bet he doin more. AMPHETIMINES, or CRACK would be me guess. Since he suppossidly doin 2 shows a day. BLACK BEAUTIES come to mind. Watch that nervinious next time you watch that rotton show. Anyhow: Make your own observation.
JOHN FRANK ARMY will say one more thin. It amazin how the RICH can get caught on photo's usin DRUGS and get away with it. And also they can get prescribed with no consequences. And if I see one more tribute to some RICH personality and everyone goin WHAT A GREAT FUC that person be. YOU wanna do DRUGS,OK. Idid for 6 years. Did everythin one can possibly think off. I QUIT. Others DON'T. ESPECIALLY CELEBES and that includes POLITICIANS. IT easy now for them to obtain. How,s you doing these day's JIMMY JORDAN.
JF its obvious you watch Fox cable news. I watch a few shows there sometimes but I really like Guttfeld. If you have a chance check out Newsmax.