Author Topic: "Petrelli lies Again "  (Read 11949 times)

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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #45 on: February 26, 2023, 10:32:10 PM »
Oh, one last thing for now. Isn't it funny how every single bustout has the same exact excuse? "I didn't have success in the business because I didn't juice my horses." Bull fucking shit. You never won any fucking races, so no good owners would spend money to get you quality horses. "100%. Period. It's just that simple!" Every single one of you low IQ never was jealous losers say that exact same line! You busted out because you are a terrible horseman. Feeding cookies and spouting shoeing tips to gypsy wagon jockeys in NYC doesn't make you a trainer. So thank you again for confirming what we knew. You suck as a horseman and you couldn't keep up. Now you want revenge on the people who do succeed. Typical. Anybody think if Mike brought the football to the field and didn't get his way he would take it home with him years ago?

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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2023, 08:01:14 AM »
I won't change my opinion on why anyone would listen to SCM.  They are looking for any reason to stop giving horsemen money and keeping if for other things....educati on, roads, etc.  So let this loud mouth idiot spout off a few bias points he's trying to make and they will act like that's the last straw.  They DON'T give a rat's ass about the welfare of race horses.  This is a political scheme to end the funding.  SCM really thinks he is making difference.  Really SCM?  A whitetrash bust out like yourself?  Get a fucking clue!  You are a moron.  Always making threats to fight people.  You look like you're 75.  So just calm down wrinkles mcgee, you can't do shit and you look like an idiot!


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2023, 10:35:42 AM »

 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3 ngc3



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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2023, 11:32:13 AM »
Hey idiot. I know you're limited that's why you are homeless and you don't have any money in your pocket. But listen. In New York State, they release criminals onto the street every single day while paying for them to eat and live. They pay for these baby mills and these women to pop out 10 kids to shoot onto the street for New Yorkers to pay for only to be robbed and then let out with no bail. Not the prisons. Build more. Golly you are so stupid.


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2023, 01:34:06 PM »
So time to buckle up as we are racing for over $80,000 in the next three days. Our entries alone. Yonkers  full schedule, Saratoga added a day, Vernon, ready to open someone and so forth. This absolute loser who thinks he's going to have control over slot money when he doesn't even have $100 to give his kids is just fucking hilarious. Of course you don't want to talk about your kids because how you raise your children and treat your family is credibility. You are a fucking bust out horseman and you're a bust out father and husband.  Imagine if you had some of the money you spent on cigarettes to give your kids for the future? No one worries a second about you, but there are some of us who will fight back against absolute complete losers. I'm sure everyone you're getting ready to meet with is going to be impressed after they see your videos. And then you roll up in someone else's car and get out of the vehicle on the passenger side cause you can't even afford a fucking car. My 17-year-old granddaughter has a car and she works at a fucking fast food restaurant you scumbag loser. you are nothing you mean nothing we are racing for more money than ever and saving it while you have to have meatloaf dinners sent to you cause you are. Broke LOSER . It's just that simple l. Fuck off scumbag what a bright future you got.


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #50 on: February 27, 2023, 01:48:34 PM »
Maybe I'm wrong but I sense some anger in haku


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #51 on: February 27, 2023, 01:54:00 PM »
When you know the secrets of how awful somebody really is and you watch them put on a coward front on a computer it grinds your gears. This guy laughs but that's because he knows he's nothing. Not a father, husband, horseman or a person with any meaning. When he has his final heart attack, who is going to be at his service?? NOBODY.  And he wants to come off like he's tough and credible. He saw Allard and cowarded out. He is a nothing. So yes, it can be irritating. Bottom line is he's nothing. He's accomplished nothing and like the pussy that he is, he's trying to hook up with some organization. They won't have him because he's a bust out loser. So we race for millions a month, and he begs for fresh direct. What a life.


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #52 on: February 27, 2023, 01:56:13 PM »
Maybe I'm wrong but I sense some anger in haku

You are wise one. That type of anger at someone he considers a loser possibly means Petrelli has struck a nerve


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #53 on: February 27, 2023, 02:19:40 PM »
When you know the secrets of how awful somebody really is and you watch them put on a coward front on a computer it grinds your gears. This guy laughs but that's because he knows he's nothing. Not a father, husband, horseman or a person with any meaning. When he has his final heart attack, who is going to be at his service?? NOBODY.  And he wants to come off like he's tough and credible. He saw Allard and cowarded out. He is a nothing. So yes, it can be irritating. Bottom line is he's nothing. He's accomplished nothing and like the pussy that he is, he's trying to hook up with some organization. They won't have him because he's a bust out loser. So we race for millions a month, and he begs for fresh direct. What a life.

It's obvious he's living rent free in your head. Ignoring it may save your health.


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #54 on: February 27, 2023, 02:24:28 PM »
I disagree I think Kaku it’s right on the money and can spot a con artist a mile away very sharp.

captain morgan

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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2023, 02:25:21 PM »
When you know the secrets of how awful somebody really is and you watch them put on a coward front on a computer it grinds your gears. This guy laughs but that's because he knows he's nothing. Not a father, husband, horseman or a person with any meaning. When he has his final heart attack, who is going to be at his service?? NOBODY.  And he wants to come off like he's tough and credible. He saw Allard and cowarded out. He is a nothing. So yes, it can be irritating. Bottom line is he's nothing. He's accomplished nothing and like the pussy that he is, he's trying to hook up with some organization. They won't have him because he's a bust out loser. So we race for millions a month, and he begs for fresh direct. What a life.

What's he got on you Haku?


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #56 on: February 27, 2023, 02:46:31 PM »
Ok everyone. I know Mike. I'm know who he owes. I know what his wife and kids think of him. He didn't address the obvious stuff and he won't. Kids in this case DO matter! He's a dead beat! He busted out because he's a terrible horseman who didn't pay his bills. Not because he didn't juice horses.  His kids were raised without him or any help from him. He is a coward. He defamed the Bongiorno family and then took down the videos right away. He's so upset that he is 57 and looks 200. But yes he's correct. That's not the point. The main point is simple. Those of us that are making a living in the harness racing business will not let someone who wouldn't even take care of his own kids destroy our lives. He's failed at every avenue and now he's trying to cling  onto Peta etc.  The tracks are racing more days and for more money than ever and there is no end in sight. So don't listen to someone who is 60 years old and does not have a $20 bill in his pocket. He doesn't have a home, he doesn't have a vehicle, he doesn't have insurance. Those of us who are succeeding would never let someone like him get in the way. And he knows a lot of stuff that I haven't said, but listening to him come off like a tough guy after he has never won a fight in his entire life and backed off like the pussy bitch that he is when Allard approached him just gets tiresome. He can't breath and wouldnt last 10 seconds in any type of physical activity, let alone a fight. That's it. He's been running his mouth for a year, and says M Glassman not being on the Board of Directors for amateur racing, is his accomplishment. Dude start over and make a new YouTube channel about accomplishing taking care of your kids and future grandchildren. That would be accomplishing something! Stop being angry because you are a nothing and focusing on something that could be worthwhile. And do you see how this deadbeat responds to all of us? He says he lives rent free in our heads even Joe Faraldo because we respond to his idiocy. Look how he responds every time there's a post about him! Trying to do damage control because he bases his entire life on credibility of which he is a 57 year failure of. We live in his head! Along with about eight teeth that are rotting, and  a limited brain. That's all I have too say.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 02:50:42 PM by Haku »

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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #57 on: February 27, 2023, 03:03:54 PM »
New video going after Luc...should be interesting.


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #58 on: February 27, 2023, 03:39:32 PM »
New video going after Luc...should be interesting.
That will sure be a credibility-fest all around.  tmbz1


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Re: "Petrelli lies Again "
« Reply #59 on: February 27, 2023, 04:19:50 PM »
New video going after Luc...should be interesting.

Maybe Luc will put a bounty on him like the $15,000 he offered years ago on Clubhouse.


shout out

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