Sick of the posts bitchin bout NO CASINO at HAWTHORNE yet. NOT everyone own pony's and TB'S in same boat as herness lest you forget.
But me promised to alert when HAWTHORNE gratiously offerin a free on line tournament startin APRIL 2nd. Runs thru JUNE 4th or 5th.
It mythical $2.00 WPS. Yoouse play HAWTHORNE TB'S On 4th and 7th race each THURSDAY,SATURDAY,SUNDAY.
HE or SHE who accumilates most money won goes to $5 MILLION tournament in VEGAS in 2024.
Top 5 finishers get a free $500.00 entry to other tournaments hosted by HAWTHORNE. You can use that to play or if you choose can cash out at any time. Because those be money builder contests. I must add to win top prize,one must be a member of NTRA and that costs $50.00.
You can sign up now or wait to APRIL 1st.
Anysee how. IT FREE and you don't need to be a crybabbbin horse owner that don't race in the state and yet bitches and moans.