Author Topic: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast  (Read 9349 times)

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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2023, 08:32:50 PM »
I too don't want it to end badly for Mike. It takes a lot of balls to stand up to city hall. Mike doesn't seem to be scared to stand up for what he believes is right. I commend him for that. On the other hand Dave Yarock disappoints me. If anyone should not stop fighting in my opinion it is Dave. He needs to take back the GSY and  change the name to DYA Dave yarock amateur club.
Not true my friend. SCM waited until he got booted out of harness racing for him to come forward on the pieces of shit he worked for and helped while he was making money and turning a blind eye to these cheaters. Only when everyone threw him out of racing did he decide to come forward. He gets no medals pal.


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2023, 01:37:44 AM »
Not true my friend. SCM waited until he got booted out of harness racing for him to come forward on the pieces of shit he worked for and helped while he was making money and turning a blind eye to these cheaters. Only when everyone threw him out of racing did he decide to come forward. He gets no medals pal.

i agree with this but i can understand it , when you are racing you cant say anything , now he has nothing to lose  im very happy  when he attacks these pieces of shit and says all the things we want to say but dont have the balls to say it. i still say he needs to be an equal opportunity attacker ,  are we really not calling out alexander , bako , bongorino etc.         only cares specifically about HIS PARTICULAR enemies.  thats where he shows his hand a bit      why didnt he call out scott warren setting up that race for triton?   that was a CLEAR FUCK YOU we do what we want and youll take it move. altho after seeing what he did to yarok seems like hes just a total piece of shit

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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2023, 10:07:28 AM »
I think it's hilarious what SCM is doing to these cheating fucks.  He has them so nervous that the gravy train could end soon.  But SCM is just so unlikeable.  Listen to his videos.  He uses I or ME so often it's disgusting.  He truly believes he is some type of local celebrity.  Makes everything about him and his grudge with Ford.  Hard to get on board with that idiot.


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2023, 11:45:31 AM »
i agree with this but i can understand it , when you are racing you cant say anything , now he has nothing to lose  im very happy  when he attacks these pieces of shit and says all the things we want to say but dont have the balls to say it. i still say he needs to be an equal opportunity attacker ,  are we really not calling out alexander , bako , bongorino etc.         only cares specifically about HIS PARTICULAR enemies.  thats where he shows his hand a bit      why didnt he call out scott warren setting up that race for triton?   that was a CLEAR FUCK YOU we do what we want and youll take it move. altho after seeing what he did to yarok seems like hes just a total piece of shit

He can’t fight every battle

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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2023, 01:24:03 PM »
Latest video makes me think SCM is going to get Dave Y's ass kicked by someone.  Pretty strong accusations.  What's the difference when a track handicaps the open?  They decide on who gets what post.  And FYI SCM, you've already taken checks from Yarock dummy.  If he owes you money, why feel guilty about taking it?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2023, 01:28:08 PM by Harness racer »


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2023, 01:28:48 PM »
Latest video makes me think SCM is going to get Dave Y's ass kicked by someone.  Pretty strong accusations.  What's the difference when a track handicaps the open?  They decide on who gets what post.

If true it’s bad news. I don’t know the answer as to what’s the difference in handicapping the open unless it’s listed as Open to be handicapped where as if not listed on GSY and they giving PP that I would think would qualify as cheating. 🤷


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2023, 02:00:51 PM »
Latest video makes me think SCM is going to get Dave Y's ass kicked by someone.  Pretty strong accusations.  What's the difference when a track handicaps the open?  They decide on who gets what post.  And FYI SCM, you've already taken checks from Yarock dummy.  If he owes you money, why feel guilty about taking it?

That last video makes me think Yarock may be lil more involved or knowing more than once thought.  Not saying he is but who go to a meeting with BigM management, Glasser and whoever else without a lawyer. Especially after someone lied about their identity to get your tax returns, no one asks for your returns to call u in to a meeting to tell you what a great job you’re doing.  No way would anybody not want their lawyer there. JMO but am I missing something?


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2023, 02:08:29 PM »
I think it's hilarious what SCM is doing to these cheating fucks.  He has them so nervous that the gravy train could end soon.  But SCM is just so unlikeable.  Listen to his videos.  He uses I or ME so often it's disgusting.  He truly believes he is some type of local celebrity.  Makes everything about him and his grudge with Ford.  Hard to get on board with that idiot.

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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2023, 02:24:27 PM »
That last video makes me think Yarock may be lil more involved or knowing more than once thought.  Not saying he is but who go to a meeting with BigM management, Glasser and whoever else without a lawyer. Especially after someone lied about their identity to get your tax returns, no one asks for your returns to call u in to a meeting to tell you what a great job you’re doing.  No way would anybody not want their lawyer there. JMO but am I missing something?

Bingo!  He's not telling SCM the whole story.  Didn't SCM say something about Dave's country club membership was paid for by GSY or his rescue or something?  That sounds fishy if it's accurate.  Not sure I heard it correctly.  But if he isn't getting a lawyer to protect his innocence, he's hiding something in my opinion.  But what do I know, I'm not nearly as sharp as SCM.

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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2023, 02:49:40 PM »
If there is no horse anymore, why did he want to bring you a check SCM?  That sounds shady as fuck.  That old fuck is hiding something.  And it's so easy to get a response out of you!  ngc3   You were making a video within 15 minutes when I asked what the difference was you pigeon.   Clearly a handicap and GSY handing out post positions to help the outcome is different.  You are too easy SCM.   ngc3  But good for you selling out your boy when he told you what was going on.  I'll be shocked if he isn't mixed up in this.  He at least knew for a while and didn't do shit!  Just as guilty! 
« Last Edit: March 19, 2023, 02:55:09 PM by Harness racer »


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2023, 03:05:45 PM »
If there is no horse anymore, why did he want to bring you a check SCM?  That sounds shady as fuck.  That old fuck is hiding something.  And it's so easy to get a response out of you!  ngc3   You were making a video within 15 minutes when I asked what the difference was you pigeon.   Clearly a handicap and GSY handing out post positions to help the outcome is different.  You are too easy SCM.   ngc3  But good for you selling out your boy when he told you what was going on.  I'll be shocked if he isn't mixed up in this.  He at least knew for a while and didn't do shit!  Just as guilty!

Mike smart by not taking any money because seems like a possible set up to me. Maybe Yarock realized he told to much especially about the GSY draw and now what’s Petrelli to be quiet.  To late fella one thing Petrelli said was he is no longer not telling the source because people thought he was making stuff up. I on the other hand never doubted he was telling the truth only because no one Petrellis position makes up crap knowing they want his a$$ anyway.  And noticed none of these guys have filed defamation or slander against Mike.  I give him credit in that he’s showing he’s not protecting anyone. 


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2023, 04:15:34 PM »
Is gural going to hold the usual 2 gsy races next Friday?


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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2023, 05:03:14 PM »
Yarock …… has been thrown under the shopping cart
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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2023, 05:43:27 PM »
Yarock …… has been thrown under the shopping cart

I’d say Petrelli did what he should do to protect himself.  Again, he seems to be making sure he crossed his T’s and dot the I’s. He’s smart by not trusting anyone. And he obviously made it public couple weeks ago that he was no longer protecting anyone if you tell him he’s using your name.  Yarock seems to be panicking for whatever reason

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Re: dave yarock goes on SCM's podcast
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2023, 07:15:32 PM »
I’d say Petrelli did what he should do to protect himself.  Again, he seems to be making sure he crossed his T’s and dot the I’s. He’s smart by not trusting anyone. And he obviously made it public couple weeks ago that he was no longer protecting anyone if you tell him he’s using your name.  Yarock seems to be panicking for whatever reason

Reason seems pretty clear.  Why panic if you have nothing to hide?  Maybe SCM's buddy isn't squeaky clean like he claims.  But I will give it to SCM, I doubt he will protect the old fella if he's involved.


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