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BLYSTONE, SAMANTHA J CARNEGIE, PA YOB 1994PSHRC on 4/4/2023 DENIAL(DEN) AS OF 3/23/2023OTHERRULING# 23003C On March 23, 2023, the Pennsylvania State Horse Racing Commission,Bureau of Standardbred Horse Racing (“Commission”), received a license application fromSamantha J. Blystone seeking to be licensed as a Groom. In accordance with Section 9323(g.1) of the Race Horse Industry Reform Act (3 Pa.C.S. § 9323 (g.1)), the Commissionhereby DENIES Ms. Bylstone’s license application for the following reasons: Applicant isdenied due to her conviction of any violation or attempt to violate any law, rule or regulationof horse racing in any jurisdiction. Applicant is denied due to violating a rule, regulation ororder of the Commission. Applicant is denied due to her failure to demonstrate by clear andconvincing evidence that she is a person of good character, honesty and integrity. Applicantis denied due to being a person whose prior activities, reputation, habits, and associationspose a threat to the public interest or the effective control and regulation of horse racing.Applicant is denied due to being a person whose prior activities, reputation, habits, andassociations create or enhance the danger of unsuitable, unfair, or illegal practices,methods and activities in the conduct of horse racing or the carrying on of the business andfinancial arrangements incidental to the conduct of horse racing. To the extent this denial isbased on pending criminal charges against Applicant for her role in an alleged criminalscheme of artifice involving the horse racing industry, the applicant may reapply if andwhen those charges are resolved.
Looks like she lost her shit about something. Looks like about 9 charges.https://allegheny.crimewatchpa.com/cspd/24171/incidents/weekly-press-report-friday-march-24-through-thursday-march-30-2023
Those have to be all her charges. There is no name beneath those charges that they could be. Says she also forged ownership papers in the past on USTA.
Another one of Tony's train wrecks. love was blind. Till she lost her shit. Why would she apply for a license? NUT JOB