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Laughing my ass off tonight at these Amish hillbillies driving at Hoosier. There are about 10 horses that were claimed tonight and some of these fucken drivers are actually sitting inside giving the claimed horse that they will no longer be driving a nice inside trip so the new trainer and owner get a nice fresh horse and the gambler who bet on them thinking they’d be rolling the horse cause it’s their last start get a big dick in their mouth. Are you fucken kidding me? Who are these jag offs that call themselves drivers and where did they come from, they’re mommas asshole? They announce in post parade that your horse is getting claimed and like a child molesting sock puppet queer you’re sitting 5th on the rail turning for home. You should get the head pole shoved up your ass upon pulling up the horse in the paddock area.
Maybe most of these guys only earn money if the horse gets a check?If you want, we can start a GoFundMe page to get your 2 bucks back?
It's one thing to claim a horse when the last connection didn't want them anymore, maybe the NEW think they know something but to bet on CLAIMER races takes a special kind of moron. Yeh, better trainer change, I know, how's that working out on your bottom.....line!
It actually works out pretty good because even the most moronic trainer/ driver sends their horse knowing that this is it, last time to get anything so I gotta goes balls out. But st Hoosier, I guess my line of thinking is off base. It does seem to work at most other tracks. But that’s what I get for trying to bet on the inbred moron child molesters who drive at Hoosier.
Talk to the people at the claim box, horseman's bookkeeper. Be very friendly and yap it up with them but not as a gambler, maybe some insight. Maybe people claimed horses that turned out to be junkies, racing unwell, we have seen many times horses claimed not race back or anywhere, I don't always suspect injury, but maybe sick, withdrawal and trainers are not seeking more attention. New trainer may not always be honest with owner, as to make it look like they made a bad call and lose client.About 6000 races worldwide per week, when the "food tastes sour" at Hoosier, time for a break to "dine" elsewhere or just a vacation period, come back there refreshed. A new track(s) will just be a brief adjustment period. Long term, navigate away from claiming races and stick to less races, and high value purses dispersed over more tracks. Make sure before you bet you give every horse a chance to tell you their story when handicapping, before you finalize. You only owe yourself loyalty. GL!
I don’t think you understand precisely what I am referring to. However, What I’m not referring to is the first start off the claim. What I am saying is 99% of the time at any racetrack, standardbred or tbred, when there is an announcement BEFORE the race that so and so has a claim filed, the trainer usually instructs the driver or jockey to go balls to walls because they are losing the horse and at no cost, do not leave anything on the track for the new connections. But for some reason these fucking inbred drivers at Hoosier know well ahead of time that said horse is being claimed, yet they sit on the rail trying to get an easy trip to conserve the horse for the following week, when they will most likely no longer get the drive and the trainer will lose the horse to the successful claimant. I don’t know about you, but for 50+ years most of the gamblers usually fire on the announced claimed horse because they understand that the announced claimed horse is are immediately “live” and going for it all. But again these Amish hillbillies at Hoosier save the horse so the new owners have a fresh horse for the following week in their first start. LMAO. It’s hilarious!!! If my driver knew that my horse was getting claimed and raced the horse easy, I’d punch him right in the face.
"maybe people claim horses that turn out to be junkies" Interesting thought in these times of small betting pools and high purses. The opposite of what it used to be.
You're applying logic, good logic, once all VERY GOOD handicappers used including after the claim if Horse claimed by better trainer might be a good follow and bet, maybe if moved outside claiming. Obviously it doesn't work now and it doesn't make sense why not try on a horse you're losing to another owner after the race, yet you say they don't try.I got this all along, why I tried to deploy you to talk to the people behind the scenes, and generally speaking, EXCELLENT-Professional gambling handicappers avoid claiming races.