For the benefit of the on track better and the state vet.
You most warm up a mile in 2:40 or faster.
Back in my Pompano Park days my wagering (I didn't say gambling) buddies and I would never ever bet a horse we didn't see warm up a sound good mile.
There was an elderly couple that kept notebooks on when, how fast, and who warmed up each horse.
They each had two/three stop watches and would time every warm up last guarter. We could go over and ask them how fast did this horse warm up last week when he got beat, how fast 2 weeks ago when he won, and how fast tonight.
They also kept notebooks on how different stables warmed up their horses. Did the 2nd trainer, the head dr/tr, or a groom do the warm up, and could you get a clue from that.
Did they warm up freelegged to a jog cart or full racing gear.
Anything out of the usual he would know about, and what if anything that meant for tonight.
I don't know how many state vets still do it, but some would mark off on their program each horse as it warmed up. If the horse didn't look ok, you got a visit when you came in.
If I was still wagering, I would want to see warm ups. At lease know the state vet was watching.