Author Topic: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.  (Read 4062 times)

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XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« on: July 05, 2023, 04:50:02 PM »
I'ss did some research which ain't hard to do these days as compared to when me was 23. Still in NAM and afterward went on to complete BA,MA and post grad. Spent a lot of time hittin college library's and CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY downtown to find out what needed to do RESEARCH PAPERS. I'll say this: You seem BRIGHT for your age and good for you.
GROWIN up with a father who spent his life in STANDARDS gave you a advantage. You appear to have other creative skills although a INDEPENDENT FILM PRODUCER and ACTOR would not be a part. You have craetive writing skills,but so can anyone who has been in game. MEANS NOTHIN.
MIGHT ADD: Did not have time to read all your analysis over the last 6 years but did read your blog for 2017 KENTUCKY DERBY.

AND you used MIKE ROYKO,CHICAGO TRIBUNE writin style. He been DEAD for awhile but you PLAGERIZED. That a NO NO in any form of COMMUNICATION.
My advice: You spend too much time with uppers and the lowers that spend there time at tracks and OTBS are the real people. But you will never be able to distinquish. You remind me of show on cable,which I hate. 3 jerkoffs stand somewhere and got some goof out amongst people and tell him to say some STUPID thin to some innocent bystander to get a reaction. The premise is absurd,and you tryin it here. If you get to 76 you might understand.

Generation XYZ

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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2023, 04:53:16 PM »
My blog on 2017 Kentucky Derby?You lost me at hello...
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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2023, 04:56:42 PM »
Try again KID. We won't call it a blog then. YOUR ANALYSIS. Do that FIT.

Generation XYZ

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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2023, 05:01:40 PM »
Try again KID. We won't call it a blog then. YOUR ANALYSIS. Do that FIT.

Wrong person. I don't blog or do analysis' But I do thank you for your service, in NAM, and I'm man enough to apologize if it seemed like the ball busting went too far.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 05:06:38 PM by Generation XYZ »
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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2023, 05:55:20 PM »
That won't work KID. You ain't evadin this. We knows YOUR RESUME. You comes on like the young VIC STAUFFER, shootin one's mouth off. At least VIC has the balls to admit who he be if not here but elsewhere. So what your PROBLEM. Gonna hurt your young reputation. This joint ain't no COMEDY CLUB
 although PUKE might dis-agree. And you like playin the COMIC amongst your other skills. I'M sure your old man FRANK enjoys your new postin at PLOP. He gettin a kick out of it. It me BOY,I LOVE HIM.

Generation XYZ

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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2023, 06:23:13 PM »
That won't work KID. You ain't evadin this. We knows YOUR RESUME. You comes on like the young VIC STAUFFER, shootin one's mouth off. At least VIC has the balls to admit who he be if not here but elsewhere. So what your PROBLEM. Gonna hurt your young reputation. This joint ain't no COMEDY CLUB
 although PUKE might dis-agree. And you like playin the COMIC amongst your other skills. I'M sure your old man FRANK enjoys your new postin at PLOP. He gettin a kick out of it. It me BOY,I LOVE HIM.

Man are you off base. and have no idea what your talking about. But this should be hilarious to watch.
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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2023, 06:43:10 PM »
Try again KID. Give up on your cheap movie makin. Or yousse usin PLOP as your breakthru production. KInda like buildin a TREE HOUSE at 9 years old. DADDY FRANK is proud .

Generation XYZ

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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2023, 07:15:11 PM »
You got me. You had me at hello... ngc3
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Generation XYZ

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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2023, 10:01:08 PM »
Im done taking advise from the illiterate when spell check exists. Who needs to make a truce with a gut=y that is to weak to accept a mans apology. F this thread.
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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2023, 01:13:41 PM »
Try again KID. We won't call it a blog then. YOUR ANALYSIS. Do that FIT.

C'mon, Franklin ... all this incessant blathering.  What in almight heaven is your point?  Over and over and over, again on a course to where?  Put down the short Blatz and concentrate on where, when, what, who.  We're anxious to read the rest of the story.


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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2023, 06:09:49 PM »
I used to know and still do the REAL KID. NIC the KID. He no kid anymore,as he mid 30's. He was great. Tell TRAINERS to FUC OFF,anywhere. You name the TRAINER NIC told him to fuc off at DERBY,BREEDERS, he was sumthin. Got kicked out of events. CALABRESSE and his QUEER bodyguard driver ,so many times. The KID was great. I can still talk to him ,just give him a call.

OK GOLF BALL. I'm explainin. This KID is 23 years old. He works at OAK GROVE racin. Handicappin and doin PODCASTS. His name is: RAY COTOLO. One some awards as a writer for some standardbred publications. His father is FRANK COTOLO who been in STANDARD BREDS for over 30 years also involved in writin . The little kid grew up around STANDARDS because his DAD been involved forever. So.s this KID grew up involved. He touts his resume with accomplishmens in writin and also states he a 2 man movie maker and actor. He does have a touch for writin and creativity. This little jerk-off thou has made a mission especially when he first started talkin SHIT about everyone. HE works for CHURCHILL DOWNS as they own OAK GROVE. Yeah he can say it NOT ME,but KARDASHIAN might like to know what this little imbecile be sayin on a website.

OK PUTTER,you have now been informed. Go pull weeds in your lawn.


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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2023, 06:17:47 PM »
Im done taking advise from the illiterate when spell check exists. Who needs to make a truce with a gut=y that is to weak to accept a mans apology. F this thread.
John Frank thinks Eisenhower is President

Generation XYZ

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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2023, 06:38:29 PM »
John Frank thinks Eisenhower is President

AND i'm not "the kid" he keeps referring to. I think Agent Orange is starting to affect his capacities. lets move on and let the old guy enjoy his park bench.
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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2023, 07:07:41 PM »
So XYZ is the guy with the Kim Jong Un hairdo? ngc3 ngc3 ngc3

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Re: XYZ,take some advice from one JOHN FRANK ARMY.
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2023, 07:31:44 PM »
This is the real reason he is po'd at me.  There is evidence I presented in an earlier thread about this.  I'm not going to say if he is or is not the person in question but for weeks and weeks whenever Oak Grove was live XYZ disappeared from this site and came back when the races were over.  He changed it up a little bit after he was called out but not enough to make a difference. 

I really don't care who he is and he is not the only semi undercover track handicapper on this site.

This obviously young dude with knowledge of some older things which would go along with what JFA says,  just spams everything and is no better than the Senator he hates with all the cock and pegging talk.



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