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I like Walgreens pharmacies over cvs Jmvfho
my Walgreens stock has been killing me this past year
OK HOON. Need more explaination. You sayin these at VFW are associate members. I get VETS spouces might need direction. But you and I know COLONEL that VETS get their MEDS thru VA for either 0 or $5.00 a pop regardless of cost. And if you takin any and I'm sure you are you gettin thru VA. Lets not SHIT on VA thru your statement.
Boyo, here is your explanation. This is the last fucking time I explain myself to your trifling, raggedy ass. Your obsession with believing I do not tell the truth is pathetic.Not every Vet is like you. In fact, most moved on to other careers that include employee benefits. Not every Vet dies having never seen a non-VA provider. ;ike you will.You may never have had an employer-based medical plan but you are the exception, you simple fuck tard. Now please, fuck all the way off. Thanks.
Who you SHITTIN, because it ain't JOHN FRANK ARMY,COLONEL. Your correct,I DON"T beleive a FUCKIN WORD you spout. 80 year olds are on MEDICARE,long gone from any company jop benifits that you shoot your mouth about. And they sittin at a VFW I'M sure they well aware where they can get their MEDS from. And YOU made COLONEL. Thats why JOHN FRANK ARMY laughed at OFFICER'S.