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I’m telling you he’s an auto toss. He wins only on some of those overpriced yearlings that Dana buys for him that lay over the field. Or when son in law trace sets him up with a nice trip. Other than that he’s lucky he’s alive for wearing a wire and snitching on good people back in the day. Angry old man who is horrible and needs to hang up driving and let the young guys drive. Same thing with Plano
Nicest? Probably Chris Page. I wouldn’t piss on Aaron Merrimen if he was on fire. Same with John Campbell.
Mike Gagulardi great guy and horseman. Rene Poulin: Total piece of dog shit.
The nicest driver (person) I ever met?Delvin G. Miller
Nicest - Corey Callahan, just a great guy overall
Ya musta won a few races in 50 years to help get over it
Corey is not the type to worry about that He is a cool dude, has plenty of money and realizes everything changes -
Nastiest Old ManGene SearsBrian's grandpaFifty or so years ago that old bastard ran me all over the Pompano Park Race Track for no other reason, but that he was in a possition to do so. It was one of my few drives at Pompano, and I have rooted against Gene, Jay, and Brian ever since.Me, carry a grudge? Na Not Me!