Author Topic: Ray throwing buckets tonight  (Read 6143 times)

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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2023, 03:00:18 PM »
If you post about me, you hate puppies.


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2023, 03:35:54 PM »
When is Mikey going to realize that people like Ray are not afraid of him it’s just that he doesn’t matter.
He is just like a hemorrhoid just an irritation.
He is not worth approaching.
His own children don’t deal with him why would anyone else..
Only reason people pay attention it’s kinda funny to listen to this fucking idiot..

« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 03:47:52 PM by Theone »


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2023, 05:17:50 PM »
Nailed it 👆🏻


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2023, 05:49:34 PM »
Everyone told Ray he has to cool it today people are in the barn and talking to SCuM how did he know about what he said to Fred. Just keep fueling him here even that imp Yarock is laughing talking to SCuM.
If you post about me, you hate puppies.


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2025, 09:01:30 PM »
I told you all last week. This has become a severe mental health issue. From Horse rescuer to childlike photographer to someone yelling over a fence. You all have fun with it. I told you this is somebody who has absolutely nobody or nothing to live for. It has come to this. A loser wandering around town with nothing and no future talking to strangers and police officers pretending to matter. Every town has one. You all enjoy Goshen!
we eagerly await your return
Not to be confused with HAKU.


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2025, 09:53:58 PM »
When is Mikey going to realize that people like Ray are not afraid of him it’s just that he doesn’t matter.
He is just like a hemorrhoid just an irritation.
He is not worth approaching.
His own children don’t deal with him why would anyone else..
Only reason people pay attention it’s kinda funny to listen to this fucking idiot..
Not to be confused with HAKU.


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2025, 10:53:57 PM »
Ray would kill that cock sucker in a real fight.

Grandstand Handicapper

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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2025, 12:24:21 AM »
Here is how this plays out. One, you can show all the videos you want, and if they show Ray walking away, avoiding, whatever you want to call it, that is opposite end of the spectrum different than being afraid, intimidated, etc. Apples and bowling balls. Two, remember the credibility, reputation, and stature factor here. It's straightforward and simple. Ray is a licensed trainer/driver and he has operated a well known, successful, public stable for the better part of 40 years. 40 years! He has risen to the highest levels of the sport. He's won both the Hambletonian and the Meadowlands Pace and was also Trainer of the Year. He is a Director of USTA. And Mike is who? What? What has he done, reputation, credibility, and stature-wise in this sport and industry.

Three, Ray will continue, each and every time, to walk away, avoid, pretend he doesn't see or hear Mike. Until...right, here's the way it plays out. One day Mike is going to end up missing a bunch of teeth, maybe a broken jaw, broken nose, whatever....and nobody will be a witness to it. Mike will end up saying he was in a car accident, fell, something. And the only way anyone will know about it is if you connect the dots. After that, Mike will never talk about Ray ever again.

Kole Hanover

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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2025, 08:09:32 AM »

 He's a disgruntled former shit shoveler who got told he wasn't welcomed to pretty much anything to do with NY racing.
  No one wants him around or has any time for his B.S

 He has no one & nothing, lonely ol' existence of a tangled mind with baked bean teeth.

 Walking around with a recorder, thinking he's important.
 Ray would mop the floor with him but it's not worth it. Nothing to gain, only calls from the cops.
At any tracks where my horses are racing


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2025, 05:08:16 PM »
He's a disgruntled former shit shoveler who got told he wasn't welcomed to pretty much anything to do with NY racing.
  No one wants him around or has any time for his B.S

 He has no one & nothing, lonely ol' existence of a tangled mind with baked bean teeth.

 Walking around with a recorder, thinking he's important.
 Ray would mop the floor with him but it's not worth it. Nothing to gain, only calls from the cops.
It's straightforward and simple. Ray is a licensed trainer/driver and he has operated a well known, successful, public stable for the better part of 40 years. 40 years! He has risen to the highest levels of the sport. He's won both the Hambletonian and the Meadowlands Pace and was also Trainer of the Year. He is a Director of USTA. And Mike is who? What? What has he done, reputation, credibility, and stature-wise in this sport and industry.

You’re a very sharp poster probably one of the most knowledgeable on here!
Not to be confused with HAKU.


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2025, 05:09:29 PM »
Here is how this plays out. One, you can show all the videos you want, and if they show Ray walking away, avoiding, whatever you want to call it, that is opposite end of the spectrum different than being afraid, intimidated, etc. Apples and bowling balls. Two, remember the credibility, reputation, and stature factor here. It's straightforward and simple. Ray is a licensed trainer/driver and he has operated a well known, successful, public stable for the better part of 40 years. 40 years! He has risen to the highest levels of the sport. He's won both the Hambletonian and the Meadowlands Pace and was also Trainer of the Year. He is a Director of USTA. And Mike is who? What? What has he done, reputation, credibility, and stature-wise in this sport and industry.

Three, Ray will continue, each and every time, to walk away, avoid, pretend he doesn't see or hear Mike. Until...right, here's the way it plays out. One day Mike is going to end up missing a bunch of teeth, maybe a broken jaw, broken nose, whatever....and nobody will be a witness to it. Mike will end up saying he was in a car accident, fell, something. And the only way anyone will know about it is if you connect the dots. After that, Mike will never talk about Ray ever again.
you are a very smart person. I also consider you one of the sharpest posters on horseplop!
Not to be confused with HAKU.


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2025, 05:10:06 PM »
He's a disgruntled former shit shoveler who got told he wasn't welcomed to pretty much anything to do with NY racing.
  No one wants him around or has any time for his B.S

 He has no one & nothing, lonely ol' existence of a tangled mind with baked bean teeth.

 Walking around with a recorder, thinking he's important.
 Ray would mop the floor with him but it's not worth it. Nothing to gain, only calls from the cops.
Not to be confused with HAKU.


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2025, 10:45:03 PM »
He's a disgruntled former shit shoveler who got told he wasn't welcomed to pretty much anything to do with NY racing.
  No one wants him around or has any time for his B.S

 He has no one & nothing, lonely ol' existence of a tangled mind with baked bean teeth.

 Walking around with a recorder, thinking he's important.
 Ray would mop the floor with him but it's not worth it. Nothing to gain, only calls from the cops.
Not to be confused with HAKU.

Kole Hanover

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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2025, 11:38:42 PM »
Ray would kill that cock sucker in a real fight.

 Imagine being SCM & thinking he's tough, the way he throws out derogatory names to everyone, when his actual cause of turmoil is that he isn't happy with himself (who would be?).

 He can't even get out of his own way, recording everything like people care what he has to say.

 An ignorant cocksucker who hates racing because he's not welcomed anywhere around harness racing. So now he goes on a race horse website as "#defundharnessracing", what a sad sack of shit.

 A tangled mind with plenty of time on his hands.
At any tracks where my horses are racing


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Re: Ray throwing buckets tonight
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2025, 06:41:32 PM »
Imagine being SCM & thinking he's tough, the way he throws out derogatory names to everyone, when his actual cause of turmoil is that he isn't happy with himself (who would be?).

 He can't even get out of his own way, recording everything like people care what he has to say.

 An ignorant cocksucker who hates racing because he's not welcomed anywhere around harness racing. So now he goes on a race horse website as "#defundharnessracing", what a sad sack of shit.

 A tangled mind with plenty of time on his hands.
I couldn't agree more could you imagine if he just spent that time with his family instead of wasting it on rhetoric!
Not to be confused with HAKU.


shout out

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