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Sounds like a reasonable idea London except for one thing…you have to be nuts to want to hold a government office and be in the public’s eye.
If this guy TRULY loves and cares for the horses. Then why dont you run for government office that can put an end to animal abuse and penalize the affender..Truly be an advocate for the horse.
Thank you for another daily posting of "As The World (of Mike Petrelli) Turns"
What would a plop day be like without mentioning Petrelli or SCM?
Being from NY and Italian we call guys like him “a rat bastard“.We wash our own dirty laundry in the horse business. All the shit that I’ve seen in the horse business for 30 years I never RATED anybody out and I was tempted. When I saw a guy miss treating a horse I would say to him knock it off pal do me a favor and miss treat me like that SO I CAN KNOCK YOUR FUCKING TEETH OUT!! Most of the guys that were shocking horses pissed me off the worst! I didn’t go and run in rat somebody out!