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so true the named matched his actions .. 😂
I wasn't referring to Chansky
Bullshit! I don't. I don't even like to see pushing 2 year olds past 3 or 4 starts their first year.
Wasn't this the method Buddy Jacobson and that whole swindle involving the Brachs candy heiress used out in Chicago? You know that sometimes I am reluctant to mention names on here but I will say this, a nice mid level claimer of mine who was as honest as the day is long and a good gambling horse, met that fate long after I had him at the hands of TONY BUFFALINO after the horse had benn claimed by "everybody" Made me sick to hear that then and I still wince thinking about it.. I had heard they were putting vinyl bags over there heads as well as electrocuting them through their anus. Sick shit
Very big name in the past in the hunter/jumper world in North Salem NY You are accurate again
I was actually referring to the old man I knew his daughter Sloan It was the son as you said who got involved with the horse killings
Sloan got hotter with age.
I will trust you its been many years
Now I am confused. Are you guys referring to Mike? Hope I am wrong