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I knpow there was an incident very early 70s ( I started going late 74 ) that my family told me about where they threw garbage cans through the glass doors going into the clubhouse. no way I would remember a horse involved. I thought possibly Webster and Insko were involved Only know of it in long forgotten stories.
Fuguzzi my friend,I know you will like this because you are such a fan of Wisc fair racing.Where was Branch Dan Prince first owned, where was he bred and raised, and where did he make his first starts?That's right, that hot bed of racing Wisconsin.
Am I the only person on Earth who remembers an incident where an alert security guard walking the barn area at Monticello on a Sunday afternoon sported a man laying prone on the hood of his truck with a rifle. The truck was parked with a clear view of the top of the stretch from the high point along the road into the backstretch. The man, once confronted surrendered peacefully and said his plan was to shoot John Gilmour as he sat in the bike. MId 70s?
I never heard the motive Relieved you know the story too.. I have mentioned on occasion and some people in racing looked at me like i dropped in from fucking Mars
He wanted to shoot Sep but it had nothing to do about racing. I heard it had something to do about his wife.
Throwing themselves at Sep Gilmour? Hmmm. Interesting. In looks alone, I woulda thought maybe John Desimone, but I'll take your word... John was funny. He used to sing and whistle to his horses sometimes. on;y woman I knew him to be with my whole lifetime was Vitas Yakin, but I was a "distant observer" LOL
I will also confirm this. Shooter was stationed on the "grassy knoll" at the head of the stretch. Rumor I heard at the time was JG was messing with the guy's wife -- which didn't come as a surprise.
It was referred to as the Moonstone Bay Affair. Programs were rolled up and set fire and thrown in the trash cans. The FBI who always maintains a presence, shut down the track when it became a total riot. The drivers involved were police escorted from the paddock. The meet was shut down and finished at Roosevelt along with the payment of all outstanding mutuel tickets. Every outstanding exacta ticket was held until sequences were found. Mike Santa Maria cashed $26,000. in exacta tickets himself. There are close to that in tickets that are still outstanding. The race involved Charlie DeMore's horse Moonstone Bay @13-1 after a considerable bet down in the final moments and Billy Meyer with Mr. Ace @ 9/2. The Exacta came in at $42.60. Basically, the whole story can be seen at Harnesslink under"Harness driver beaten by Mob at Island Inn."