Author Topic: Anthony Beaton  (Read 19194 times)

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #105 on: October 17, 2023, 06:52:35 PM »
Heres my blame game rank:

1. Regulators. They are really useless. Just smokescreen so the public optic is maintained that horses well treated. Penalty phase is not even  joke level.
2. Trainers. I get the problem but the bad guys were let take over fully and the good eggs smashed. I got zero problem with anyone ratting out the heavy duty druggists.
3.Owners. I got mixed feelings here. Personally i believe now a sport where some pe substances are used by all. I get you put a lot of $ in and have to at least minimize losses. I would come down heavy on the epo using gang and hard drug guys first. The milk shake breathing guys their all still doing but seems less significant to me.
4. Northfield park narcotic pisser groom. This guy all over the place. He way worse than cigar bastard that only seems a problem at few midwest tracks.
5. Bettors - wise guys all know whats going on. And probably half nonwise guys. They lost a lot of influence since handle no longer dictates continuance or not of racing. But if enough quit betting it would still be a major black eye.

ferdinand the bull

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #106 on: October 17, 2023, 07:49:00 PM »
Was Coleman not the trainer that had a horse so shocked and blocked out that the new claimant had to euthanize the horse right after the race?  This is going back a few , but point is Coleman isn't above doing anything it takes and that's not putting the horse first


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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #107 on: October 17, 2023, 07:54:57 PM »
Andrew Harris & Linda Toscano on the Coleman horses from Beaton.

Birds in a feather flock together

Brkn Headpole

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #108 on: October 17, 2023, 09:46:46 PM »
Was Coleman not the trainer that had a horse so shocked and blocked out that the new claimant had to euthanize the horse right after the race?  This is going back a few , but point is Coleman isn't above doing anything it takes and that's not putting the horse first

Quiksilver Shark yep.

The Exporter

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #109 on: October 18, 2023, 06:11:14 AM »
Tell you a true funny story about dutrow who i followed.

A reporter asked a big time owner that was a bettor if he ever had inside information. The guy said some  trainers say ur horse should run real well but are vey unreliable. The only guy i trust he said when  my trainer tells me a horse is going to run real well is dick dutrow. Hes never been wrong.

I dont believe the Dutrow was framed bs. To me, just more of the groom pissed on the hay nonsense.Neither did the courts believe.  Dutrow would get lou pena hot with claims. Unbelievable what he could get a cheap claimer to accomplish after coming into his care. Plenty of high quality gassers over yrs on ny circuit. Dutrow and serey the best at it imho. Though barrera and the gas man were no slouches.

Beaton is no Dick Dutrow, lol. Just a another flunky. Is kind of amazing a full account of what caused the suspension hasnt come out. All the authorities that are supposed to be policing the sport do is cover up. The racing mags  are steamed shit - they need a relationship with the industry to survive. Doesnt Canada need this operation regardless of who the flunky is.

Dont f up if ur a nobody though; then they get serious. If this was a legitimate small time trainer they would be in deep. ngc3
Nice references, Oscar and the aptly named, Gaspar Muschara. Although, you need to be 60+ to make the connection. Anyway, nobody could hold a syringe to those two. 


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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #110 on: October 18, 2023, 10:13:04 AM »
My nephew worked next to the Beaton Stable.  Said AB was arrogant and violent.  Karma.


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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #111 on: October 18, 2023, 05:59:12 PM »
He will at spring garden riding for Gassie


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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #112 on: February 14, 2024, 09:09:26 PM »
Beaton wins appeal....back in business

ferdinand the bull

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #113 on: February 15, 2024, 06:17:28 AM »
Beaton wins appeal....back in business
The ontario commission let Bourgeault keep going after beating them . Anyone know how that turned out?

Generation XYZ

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #114 on: February 15, 2024, 08:07:52 AM »
Beaton is a beatin off.
Pay to Play, Play to Win!


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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #115 on: February 15, 2024, 08:47:33 AM »
CC's FB post

Finally the proper thing is done and Tony can start making a living and training horses again , I’m sorry but the rumors on this whole thing was just insane to say the least and got completely blown outta proportion and end result was Tony suspended all this time , losing alotta purse money on scratches . Horses / owners / u name it
Anyone who knows Tony knows that he is a good guy and a good trainer and far from abusive to an animal, i still can’t believe this was real life and actually happened
I hope he has the season of his life after dealing with all this shit !
I know myself i think i have some pretty nice horses down here in Florida and I’m planning to send them all up to him once there ready to go , and I’m sending them there as i know they will be in great hands and well looked after in a great barn
Welcome back Tony !

ferdinand the bull

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #116 on: February 15, 2024, 09:03:23 AM »
ZCassie and any extension of her absolutely immune from penalty

ferdinand the bull

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #117 on: February 15, 2024, 09:13:56 AM »
Would be very interesting to hear Peta take on the transcripts


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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #118 on: February 15, 2024, 12:15:39 PM »
wonder how much it cost to buy the witness off .photos where thrown out as evidence because they wouldnt testify

Brown jug

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Re: Anthony Beaton
« Reply #119 on: February 15, 2024, 12:39:51 PM »
thank you harness fan ( aka tony beaton)
 now go out and buy some yogurt


shout out

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